Carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere. This is the number of oxygen atoms in carbon dioxide.
What is two?
This sphere has H2O.
What is the hydrosphere?
Earth's thickest layer.
What is the mantle?
The prefix ign means
What is fire?
The school's mascot.
What is a Mustang?
List all 4 spheres
What is the geosphere, atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere?
Made of molten metal
What is the outer core?
True or False. A metamorphic rock can become an igneous rock, a sedimentary rock, or another metamorphic rock.
What is true?
The room number to your science lab.
What is 1602?
78% of this sphere is Nitrogen
What is atmosphere?
Name three types of solid found in the hydrosphere.
What is ice, snow, a glacier, and an iceberg?
The two types of crust
What is continental crust and oceanic crust?
A type of rock which has fossils
What is sedimentary rock?
Halftime performer at the Super Bowl.
Who is Kendrick Lamar?
Minerals are part of this sphere
What is the geosphere?
A cloud is part of which two spheres?
What is the hydrosphere and atmosphere?
This layer acts like a solid and a liquid.
What is the asthenosphere?
Compaction and cementation causes this type of rock.
What is sedimentary?
Name the four sixth-grade science teachers.
Who are Mrs. Marbley, Mrs. Rana, Mr. Saramento, and Mr. Sunesara?
Solid ice that is part of the hydrosphere is also known as ...
What is Cryosphere?
What is the groundwater lab?
List the physcial layers of the earth starting with the coolest layer.
What is lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core and inner core?
State what each prefix for the three types of rocks mean.
Ign = fire | Meta = change | Sedi = sit
Who is the vice president of the United States?
Who is Vance?