The layer of the Earth that includes living organisms
What is biosphere?
The outer, rocky part of Earth that includes the crust and upper mantle
What is the lithosphere
Sometimes fires burn down large areas of forests that are part of the biosphere. Which of Earth’s other system is MOST likely to be affected?
What is the atmosphere
What are four different components of the biosphere?
What is plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi
All of the water on Earth
What is the hydrosphere?
This sphere includes soil
What is the geosphere?
The warming of the surface and lower atmosphere of earth that occurs when water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases absorb and radiate thermal energy
What is greenhouse effect?
Which parts of the Earth's systems are interacting when Florida’s orange trees grow?
What is all - biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and atmosphere
Name two nonliving things that are NOT part of the geosphere.
What is air, water, sun
This sphere contains the forests and grasslands
What is the biosphere?
What is interdependent
Amber is walking down the sidewalk & the wind is blowing her hair & skirt. Which parts of the Earth system are interacting?
What is atmosphere & biosphere
What is precipitation with a high amount of pollutants called?
What is acid rain
What is the geosphere?
This sphere contains fresh water and saltwater
What is the hydrosphere
The center part of the Earth
What is the core
While out on a walk by the river Emanuel noticed a bird fishing in the water and a raccoon feeding on the bank river. What two spheres are interacting?
What is the biosphere and the hydrosphere
How does acid rain affect the geosphere?
What is it strips minerals from the soil
List all 4 spheres
What is Biosphere Hydrosphere Geosphere and Atmosphere ?
This sphere contains oxygen and carbon dioxide
What is the atmosphere
The atmosphere contains an abundance of gases. What are the 2 gases with the highest percentages?
What is nitrogen and oxygen
Rico is at the beach watching the waves. Which part of the Earth system interacts with the hydrosphere to produce the waves at the beach?
What is Atmosphere
How does Earth's atmosphere protect living things?
What is it absorbs harmful UV rays from the sun and keeps the Earth warm enough to support life