The Hydrosphere
The Atmosphere
The Biosphere
The Geosphere

What does hydrophobic mean?

Scared of water

In which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone layer?

The stratosphere


Name Earth's spheres that are included in the biosphere.

geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere


What is the name of the first layer of the geosphere?

The crust


Name 2 ways that our water can be polluted.

Different answers


Name 3 different form of freshwater.

Lakes, river, ponds, icebergs, glaciers, water vapor


State the layers of the atmosphere in order.

Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere


Starting with grass, tell me how each organism gets its energy going to a carnivore.

The grass gets energy from the sun. An herbivore eats the grass to get its energy. An omnivore or carnivore eats the herbivore to get its energy.


Earth's crust is not one entire piece, name the pieces that make up the crust.

Tectonic plates


What is the population of Earth?

8 billion people


What is precipitation? Also, name the 4 types.

Precipitation is any form of water returning to Earth's surface. The types are rain, snow, sleet and hail.


In which layer of the atmosphere would we feel the least amount of pressure and why?

In the exosphere because there is very little air pushing down on us.


Give me an example of a decomposer and describe what decomposers do.

Bacteria eat dead organic material and recycle all the nutrients back into the soil for other organisms to use.


Describe the 3 different ways that tectonic plates can move.

Convergent crash into each other, divergent are separating and transform are sliding past each other.


Name 3 different ways that we can help prevent pollution.

Different answers


Starting in the ocean tell me the steps to get runoff back in to the ocean or river.

Water would evaporate from ocean. Meaning it will become a gas. The water vapor will undergo condensation to become a cloud. Snow will be the precipitation from the cloud and it will fall on a mountain. The snow will melt and the runoff will return to the ocean.


Name 3 different ways the atmosphere helps life on Earth.

The ozone layer protects from UV light. The troposphere provides oxygen to breathe. The mesosphere helps break up meteors. The CO2 and CH4 help keep Earth warm. 


Provides examples of a photoautotroph, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore and apex predator in the Amazon Rainforest ecosystem.

Many answers


Provide 3 facts about the center of the Earth.

It is called the core. The core is 4,000 miles deep. The temperature is 5,000 degrees. It is made of solid nickel and iron.


Why is it good for farmers to practice crop rotation?

Different plants help the soil stay healthy because they need different nutrients from the soil.
Starting from a tree, tell me the steps to get runoff back in to the ocean or river. You must include sublimation and deposition. 

Transpiration sends water vapor to atmosphere. The water vapor condenses to become a cloud. Snow fall from the cloud. The snow sublimes to send water vapor back to atmosphere. The water vapor undergoes deposition to become ice. The ice melts to become runoff.


Why do we have an atmosphere? Also, name 2 ways that water is removed from the atmosphere.

We have an atmosphere because Earth's gravity prevents gases from leaving. Condensation, deposition and precipitation remove water from the atmosphere.

What process provides food for all living organisms on land? What is the process that organisms use to get energy from their food? I want the equation for both.

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration. We will write the equation on the board.


Name the planets that have geospheres and those that do not.

Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter do not have geospheres. Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury have geospheres.

Why is space pollution so dangerous?

 It may prevent us from going into space.
