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Chinese Inventions
Compare and Contrast

The ancient river civilization was a neighbor to Egypt, had water fed from the Tigris and Euphrates river, and was the birthplace of the agricultural revolution.

What is Mesopotamia?


This invention was the pride of China! China refused to share this invention with others until the formation of a famous trade route.

What is silk?


These two Chinese philosophies believed in the need for social order and the importance of the government, but disagreed about the nature of man

What is Confucianism and Legalism


This document, written by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels, declared capitalism as evil and unsupportive to human life and claimed that all resources should be shared within a society.

What is the communist manifesto?


This medicinal practice originated in China about 2300 years ago and involves using small needles placed strategically around the body to alleviate pain.

What is acupuncture?


Both of these share a desire for harmony and inner reflection but one originated in China and the other in India.

What is Daoism and Buddhism


This was a code that contained many laws ranging from gender roles and rights to minimum wage. It was a strict set of ancient laws that when broken could lead to capital punishment. 

What is Hammurabi's Code?


This fun toy that is not great on a windy day was invented in China about 3000 years ago and was originally made of wood

What is kite?


This is one similarity OR difference in China's, Korea's, and/or Japan's climate zones.

What is in all three countries, the southeastern most regions experience a subtropical climate.

What is China has more climate zones than either South Korea or Japan. 


This is the name of the point where the supply and demand curves cross each other. 

What is market equilibrium?


This Chinese invention emerged in the Shang dynasty was highly prized due to its fragile nature yet beautiful designs. Many notable forms were in dishware and vases

What is porcelain? 


While the hierarchies in both of these dynasties were harsh, one saw farmers as a higher social rank than the other due to the importance of their work while the other did not. 

What are the Shang and the Zhou dynasties?


This was the major port city in Greece. It was the only place where goods can be traded into the country and located on Greece's Coast.

What is Piraeus? 


The world’s first mechanical this was water powered and was invented in 725 A.D. by a Buddhist monk. It was operated by dripping water which powered a wheel that made one revolution.

What is a clock?


This is one similarity OR difference between any other graphs below.

What is Japan and India has a higher youth population than Canada.
