History of EOC
History of Galion EOC
GPS? Anyone?
Customer Service
Product - What?
The year that East of Chicago started franchising?
What is 1992
The year EOC opened in Galion.
What is 1994?
If Lost this is what you should do first as a delivery driver.
What is try calling the customer or the shop before losing anymore time?
The number of times a delivery customer should hear the words Thank you.
What is 3 - opening of the phone message, at the end of the call, and at the door once order is given to them?
The number of pepperoni on a large pan pizza with 4 or less toppings and the number of pepperoni on a large pizza with 5 or more toppings.
What is 29 and 20?
How many EOC's were there at the height of the company?
What is 143?
The name of one of three previous owners.
Who is Randy Adams, John Adams, and the Corporate office?
When a business orders from us, this is what information you should gather from them on the phone.
What is name, location (door or dock #), department, and/or extension #?
The specials you should give customers on the phone if they ask for them and what you should offer if they are not interested in any of them.
What is the ones on the dry erase boards and ask them what they are interested in and give them a common special for that item?
This is the difference between regular and extra meat on a sub.
What is 1 and 1/2 times as much?
Who was the original owner of EOC?
Who is Scott Granneman
The years in which Goldy and Tammy started working for EOC?
What is 2000 and 2003 respectively?
South Market, Hart, and Pfeifer - good three runner or not and why.
What is yes and because they are in the same exact direction from the shop?
This is what you should do for a customer who comes in and picks up a big order.
What is help them carry it out to their vehicle?
These are the toppings that always go on top of the cheese and these are the toppings that always go under the cheese.
What is tomato, bacon, beef, jalepenos, chicken, and pineapple on top and ham and sausage under?
The two cities that have been home to the Corporate offices of EOC.
What is Williard and Lima?
The year which EOC was broken into.
What is 2009?
Three of the things every driver should do before taking their first delivery.
What is gas up their vehicle; get a money bag; plug a topper in on top of their car; check for pop, salads, chips and all things on order are in the bag; clock in and assign order; and start run!!?
This is the maximum and minimum number of times the phone should ring each time a customer calls and it is also the minimum number of times the restroom should be cleaned per day.
What is 2
This is the process of making a tower.
What is sauce the pizza to 1/4 of an inch from the edge; add pep. and ham(20 each); add sausage, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, banana peppers, green & black olives - then cheese and then bacon - put on conveyor?
The man who named EOC and why he named us.
Who is a traveling salesman from Chicago and because we were the best tasting pizza he had eaten east of Chicago?
3 parts - the year Jared started working at EOC, the year Jess started working at EOC, and where did they move together to open the first two EOC's in another state.
What is 1994, 1997, and PA(Hermitage, New Castle, and Sharon are acceptable answers)?
Four of the towns we deliver to not named Galion.
What is North Robinson, Iberia, Leesville, Crestline, and Blooming Grove, West Point, and New Winchester? (all acceptable answers)
This is the process that should be followed for a customer who calls back with a complaint.
What is apologize to the customer; give the phone to the manager; apologize to the customer again; ask them what they would like us to do to fix the problem; offer making new food or sending them a personalized goof card; never argue the issue with the customer; add a message to their phone number about having mgr. make and take their order next time; and list them on goof list?
This is the amount of cheese on each size of pizza we offer.
What is 1.5 oz. on a flash; 3.0 oz. on a small; 6.0 oz. on a med.; 9.0 oz. on a lg.; 12 oz. on a XLG Big E; and 13 oz. on a XLG square?