Number of chapters in Preach My Gospel
What is 13?
Where can we find "Safeguards for Using Technology?"
What is chapter 2 in PMG?
The Chapter that Christ comes to the people in the Americas
What is 3 Nephi 11?
The last book of scripture in the King James version
What is Revelations?
This section of D&C starts with the words: "Now behold..."
What is D&C 4?
The year preach my Gospel was updated
What is 2024?
When was the Red Cliffs Temple dedicated?
What is March 2024?
This chapter mirrors that of Matthew 5
What is 3 Nephi 12?
This Scripture talks about God's promise to work through Prophets
What is Amos 3:7?
The liberty jail sections of D&C
What is D&C 121, 122, 123 ?
The Lord instructs His servants "to preach my gospel by the Spirit, even the _______ which was sent forth the teach the truth" (D & C 50:14)
What is "Comforter"?
When was the Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ—Service Missions last updated
What is last week?
The time frame of the Book of Mormon
What is 600BC to 421AD?
Joseph Smith said the book in our bible is not inspired.
What is song of "The Songs of Solomon" ?
The section that talks about the Word of Wisdom
What is D&C section 89?
We learn about relying on the Holy Ghost in which Chapter?
What is Chapter 4? (also 1 and 2)
How can we serve as the Savior would, according to the service missionary purpose?
What is 'with loving kindness'
The King of Judah at the time Lehi left Jerusalem
Who is King Zedekiah?
The name of Jesus Christ given in Revelations 5:5
What is Lion of the tribe of Judah?
The subject of 'Official Declaration2.
What is priesthood and temple blessings for all worthy Men?
Where can we learn about Christlike attributes?
What is Chapter 6?
How often should service missionaries report to their mission advisors?
What is 'regularly' or weekly?
What were the names of the four sons of Mosiah who were converted by an angel?
What is Aaron, Ammon, Omner, Himni?
This term is often used to describe giants in the Old Testament
What is Nephilim?
The time frame covered by the Doctrine & Covenants
What is 155 years?