Who discovered that the rock had been rolled away from Jesus' tomb?
Mary Magdalene
What were the Roman soldiers told to say regarding the disappearance of Jesus' body?
The Disciples stole it at night.
Why do we use eggs as a symbol during the Easter season?
They represent "new life", aka the resurrection.
When did Jesus rise from the dead?
On the third day.
Is the word "Easter" in the Bible?
This disciple wanted to see the imprint of the nails before he would believe...
St. Thomas de Apostle (Thomas)
The # of days Jesus remained after his resurrection before he ascended into heaven
What flower is associated with Easter?
The lilies.
Mentioned many times in the Bible, the white lily symbolizes purity, rebirth, new beginnings and hope and is most often associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ as observed on Easter.
What was the Jewish feast which was being celebrated the week Christ was crucified?
How many chocolate bunnies are sold every year in the US?
After the apostles were told that Jesus was not in the tomb, two of them went running to see it. Who were these apostles?
Peter and John
The # of Days Easter season last
What color were the first Easter eggs dyed with and why?
Red, to remember the Crucifixion.
What did Jesus say regarding the people who crucified him while he hung on the cross?
“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
How many times did Jesus appeared to the disciples after the Resurrection, that are recorded in the Bible?
10 recorded times, maybe more.
When Jesus meets his apostles, He greats them saying "Shalom". What does it mean?
"Peace be with you"
Before His ascension Jesus commanded His disciples to do this
Go spread the word of Christianity.
How is the date of Easter calculated?
By the moon.
How did Judas identify Jesus to the soldiers?
By kissing him on the cheek.
Thank you the Resurrection we can say that now we are not only creatures but ..... of God.
Children of God
Who was the first person to see the risen Christ?
Mary Magdalene
What is the meaning of the word Alleluia?
"Praise the Lord"
What was the inscription above the cross?
"Jesus of Nazareth; King of the Jews" (Luke 19:19)
How much money do Americans spend on candy at Easter every year?
2 billion dollars