Finish those lyrics:
I'm undone by the mercy of Jesus;
I'm undone by the goodness of the Lord...
I'm restored and made right
Jessica N.
Which disciple cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant in an attempt to protect Jesus from being taken as a prisoner?
Who on the stage was a complete emotional basketcase this morning? (Besides Danny... hehe)
Finish those lyrics:
Clothed in rainbows of living color,
Flashes of lighting, rolls of thunder;
Blessing and honor, strength and...
Glory and power be
Who in the church does Crawford get into trouble with the most?
a. Jessica S.
b. Danny
c. Jeff
d. Ruvim
d. Ruvim
Who was the first person to see the risen Christ?
Mary Magdalene
What item did we learn that Jeanna stole this morning?
An umbrellaaaaa!
Finish those lyrics:
Jesus wants to love you, there is none above you,
You are precious in His sight;
He will never fail you when the doubts assail you...
He'll be with you day and night
What's the name of the one and only song Crawford messed up during the Christmas program?
Glorious Impossible
What was the inscription above the cross?
"Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"
Who brought Kara a piece of candy in the drum box this morning so she wouldn't pass out from low blood sugar?
Finish those lyrics:
You turn mourning to dancing;
You give beauty for ashes...
You turn shame into glory
What is Crawford's favorite key to sing in?
a. G
b. F
c. C
d. Aflat
d. F
In Mark 15, a man in the crowd was told to help Jesus carry His cross. What was the man's name?
Who woman in the choir did Jessica N. almost back into today with her car?
Finish those lyrics:
While we walk the pilgrim pathway
Clouds will overspread the sky;
But when trav'ling days are over...
Not a shadow, not a sigh
Which song does Crawford like singing the LEAST:
a. Come to the Table
b. Love Lifted Me
c. More than Able
d. How Great is Our God
a. Come to the Table
When Jesus died there was darkness in the land. How many hours did it last?
3 hours
What is the brand name of the new worship piano we recently bought for upstairs?