What is the most common easter candy?
Chocolate - eggs or bunnies
Who hides the Easter eggs?
The Easter Bunny
What is another name for a rabbit?
What day of the week is Easter on?
Easter is on Sunday
Easter is celebrated on the same day every year (true or false)
People eat this aquatic animal on Fridays during the Easter season to avoid eating meat.
Children find Easter eggs in this activity
Egg Hunt
A chick.
This religious group of people celebrate Easter
Christians celebrate Easter
This city has the biggest Easter parade (hint: it's in the U.S.)
New York City
How much did the largest Easter Egg weigh?
5000 lbs or 2268 kg
What color are eggs traditionally painted in Greece?
Red, like blood!
True or False - Ostriches lay the largest eggs in the world.
Which part of the chocolate bunny do most people eat first?
Most people eat the ears first
Which ocean is Easter Island in?
The Pacific Ocean
Americans enjoy this dessert on Easter. (hint: It has carrot in it)
carrot cake
Easter was named after an ____-______ goddess?
What do you call a baby cow?
A calf.
Religious people typically do not eat this on Fridays during Easter
They do not eat meat on Fridays
The Easter Bunny originated in this country
The British typically eat this meat on Easter
This happens on the White House lawn every Easter
Egg rolling contest
What do you call a baby horse?
Kinder eggs were banned in the USA because
children can choke on them
This country has the Guinness World record for the largest chocolate easter egg