Who rode into Jerusalem on a donkey?
What did Jesus turn water into at a wedding?
What does the cross remind us of?
Jesus dying for our sins
What do people often wear to church on Easter?
Fancy or nice clothes that are white
What day do we remember Jesus dying on the cross?
Good Friday
What is the name of the meal Jesus had with his disciples before he died?
The Last Supper
Who did Jesus heal to make them walk again?
A man who was paralyzed/couldn't walk
What does the crown of thorns represent?
Death, saddness, and sin
What is the name of the week leading up to Easter?
Holy Week
What color cloth is often used in church on Good Friday?
Red and black
Who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
What did Jesus do for Lazarus?
He raised him from the dead
What animal is the symbol for new life at Easter?
The lamb
What do Catholics eat on Easter Sunday after fasting on Good Friday?
Special dinners that include ham
Who washed Jesus’ hands to show he didn’t want to sentence him?
Pontius Pilate
What was rolled away from Jesus' tomb on Easter morning?
A stone that was blocking the entrance
What did Jesus feed to 5,000 people?
Loaves of bread and fish
What do lilies symbolize in Easter?
Purity, innocence, and The Resurrection
What do you hear often on Easter mornings at mass?
"He is risen!"
What did Jesus say to God before he died?
"Father, into Your hands I commend my spirit."
Who were the first people to see that Jesus was alive?
Mary Magdalene and the other women
What did Jesus calm with just his words?
A storm
What do the palm branches symbolize from Palm Sunday?
Victory and joy
What special song/word is sung during Easter to celebrate that Jesus is alive?
Why do we call the day Jesus died “Good Friday”?
Because Jesus' death saved us from our sins and gave us eternal life with God