Who is this story about?
Jesus Christ
What country did Jesus travel around?
How much fish and bread did Jesus use to feed thousands of people listening to him tell about God's love for them?
2 fish and 5 loaves of bread
Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot
Who was the king that the religious leaders took Jesus to when they arrested Him?
Pontius Pilate
What happened to Jesus at the end of the 40 days after he came out of the tomb alive?
He arose and went into the clouds to be with God His Father.
Why did Jesus serve the bread and wine at the passover meal in Jerusalem?
To represent his body and blood shed for us on the cross.
What was in the tomb that Jesus was buried in when the 2 women went to see him?
the linen cloth that Jesus was wrapped in.
Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?
To save us from sin and bad things we were doing.
Why did Jesus and His disciples go to Jerusalem?
To celebrate the Feast of the Passover
Who were the people that did not like Jesus' teaching because He was saying he is the Son of God?
The religious leaders
What was the most important place in Jerusalem?
The Temple
How long was Jesus on earth after His resurrection before He ascended into Heaven?
40 days
Jesus had been celebrating what feast before He was crucified?
Feast of the Passover
Who did the people think Jesus was when he came into the city?
A king
Who told the women Jesus was not in the tomb, He was alive?
An Angel
What city did Jesus ride a donkey into?
How many and who kept yelling Crucify Him? Crucify Him?
All the people in the crowd
What did it look like when Jesus died on the cross and what happen to the red curtain that kept people from going into the room to see God?
It was very dark and the curtain torn in the middle.
What were the friends of Jesus know as?
How did Jesus tell the people he could give them eternal life?
He said "I am the way, the truth, and the life and if they accepted Him, He would give them eternal life.
Where did Jesus do after the passover meal?
To a garden called Gethsemane to pray about what was going to happen to Him.
How many ways did Jesus' friends know he was alive and what were they?
3 ways, they could talk to Jesus, they could touch him, and they could eat with Him.
Why was Jesus upset when he went to the Temple, God's house.
He said the people had made His Father's house a den of robbers.
What did the good reglious leader put Jesus in after he died on the cross?
a tomb.