Fun-Sized Numbers
Easy Peasy Jellybeanies
Hard Caramels
Impossible Jawbreakers
Save the Best for Last

This many Cadbury Creme Eggs are produced every day.

A. 1.5 million

B. 3.6 million

C. 4.2 million

D. 5.8 million

What is A. 1.5 million?


This type of chocolate prevails on Easter.

What is milk chocolate?


In 1950s Germany, this snack was traditionally eaten because they resembled crossed arms in prayer.

What is a pretzel? 

(A pretzel was eaten with a hard-boiled egg for dinner on Good Friday.)


The traditional act of painting eggs originates from this eastern European country.

A. Ukraine

B. Romania

C. Belarus

D. Moldova

What is A. Ukraine?


The world’s largest chocolate Easter egg in Italy weighs almost this many pounds according to the Guinness World Records.

A. 14,000

B. 15,000

C. 16,000 

D. 11,000,000


Easter takes place during this season in Australia and "technically all Southern regions".

What is Autumn?


In Switzerland, this type of bird delivers Easter eggs instead of the Easter bunny.

A. Cuckoo

B. Buzzard

C. Woodpecker

D. Sparrow


The UK’s first chocolate egg was produced in this city in 1873.

A. Nottingham

B. Bristol

C. Cambridge

D. Brighton

What is B. Bristol?


"In Frankfurt in Hesse (a German state), party organizers could" be fined up to this many euros "for flouting the ban" of dancing during Easter. 

A. 800

B. 900

C. 950

D. 1,000

What is D. 1,000?


This jellybean flavor is generally the most popular.

A. Buttered Popcorn

B. Sunkist® Lemon

C. Berry Blue

D. Very Cherry

What is D. Very Cherry?


The factory that makes Peeps started in this U.S. state.

What is Pennsylvania? 

(Specifically, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.)


The holiday was named after Eostre, an Anglo-Saxon Goddess who associates with...

A. rebirth

B. dawn

C. Spring

D. new life

What is E. all of the above!?


The date of Easter changes each year, but in the Gregorian calendar, it always falls between March 22nd and this day in April.

What is the 25th? 

(Easter is a "movable feast" that is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon, which is the first full moon after the spring equinox.)


The Easter Bunny legend originated in this European country.

A. France

B. Germany

C. Netherlands

D. Austria

What is B. Germany?


Cadbury Creme Eggs were originally called this.

A. Guy's Creme Eggs

B. Nye's Creme Eggs

C. Fry's Creme Eggs

D. Sky's Creme Eggs

What is C. Fry's Creme Eggs?


The tale used to go: If you wear new clothes on Easter, then the rest of your year is sure to be filled with ______.

A. luck

B. fortune

C. hope

D. joy

What is A. luck?


Handmaking a singular Peep took this many hours in 1953.

What is 27?


This type of meat is traditionally eaten "to commemorate Christ's death and sacrifice all that time ago."

What is lamb?


These flowers are the official flower of Easter and symbolize the resurrection of Christ.

A. white daisies

B. tulips

C. lilies

D. buttercups

What are C. lilies?


On some years, Easter beats out this holiday for most candy sold.

What is Halloween?


The well-known Easter-related Bible verse states, "He is not here; he has _____, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay." - Matthew 28:6

What is risen?
