At Easter time a certain animal brings Easter eggs for the kids. What animal is it?
Name one of the real life heroes, we have talked about in class.
Fx Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln etc.
Since after Christmas, we have welcomed 3 new students in Fokus B. What are they called?
Nikki, Ludwig and Kevin.
Name at least 3 different dishes/kinds of food, you would probably see on a Danish Easter lunch table.
Egg, shrimps, herring, meatballs, sausage, liver pâté, chicken salad, tuna mousse, salmon, lamb, rye bread, white bread (æg, rejer, sild, frikadeller, pølse, leverposej, hønsesalat, tunmousse, laks, lam, rugbrød, franskbrød).
How did Jesus die?
Besides the Easter bunny, what animal do you normally relate to Easter time?
Chicken (kylling).
On March 8th we celebrated a special day. What was this day?
International Women's Day (Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag).
In February we celebrated fastelavn. Who won the best costume and what was this person dressed as?
Anne won and she was dressed as a rat king (Anne vandt og hun var klædt ud som en rottekonge).
In what country do they eat more than 16 billion jellybeans during Easter?
United States of America (USA).
Who did Jesus eat the Last Supper with?
His disciples (hans disciple).
What is the reason we celebrate Easter?
Jesus got crucified and resurrected (Jesus blev korsfæstet og genopstod).
Who started the concept Fridays for Future?
Greta Thunberg.
We visited Danmarks Tekniske Museum. Many of us had a hard time listening, because it was both cold and a bit boring. But who/what did we learn about this day?
What country do the Easter bunny come from?
Germany (Tyskland)
What did Jesus have on his head, when he was cricified?
A crown of thorns (en tornekrone).
What is the yellow flower related to Easter time called?
Easter lily (påskelilje).
Someone made a poster about Taylor Swift for International Women's Day, but who?
What is the age of the teachers combined?
150 år
What part of the chocolate Easter bunny do 76% of people eat first?
The ears (ørerne).
What happened to Jesus on Maundy Thursday (skærtorsdag)?
He got betrayed by Judas (han blev forrådt af Judas).
At Easter time, 5 days are called something different from their normal weekday names. Name 3 of those 5 days (can be named in Danish or as a direct translation from the Danish names).
Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, 2. Easter Day (Palmesøndag, Skærtorsdag, Langfredag, Påskedag, 2. Påskedag).
Someone made a hero avatar called "Diarrhea Sauce", but who?
Nicole had her birthday in the winter holiday. What date was it?
February 14th.
What is the traditional meat for American Easter dinners?
Ham / pork (skinke / svin).
What was the name of the man who sentenced Jesus to crucifixion?
Pontius Pilatus