What kind of beans cannot grow in a garden?
Jelly Beans
What marshmallow candy is coated with a colorful sugar and usually shaped like a chick?
What are Peeps
How many eggs are in a dozen?
What is 12
What runs around the whole yard without moving?
A fence
What happens when you tell an egg a joke?
It cracks up.
In what season does Easter fall?
Which eggs are from hell?
What are deviled eggs
I have two hands, but I can not scratch myself. What am I?
A Clock
How does Easter end?
With an "R"!
What is the Friday before Easter Sunday called?
What is Good Friday
What acid is usually used to make eggs more bright when dipped in food dye.
What is vinegar
This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. What am I?
Your Breath
What's one way to make Easter easier?
Put an "i" where the "t" is.
What is considered the Easter flower?
What is the Easter Lily
What dish is served with poached eggs on an English Muffin and covered with Hollandaise sauce.
Eggs Benedict
Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Christmas comes before Easter in one place only—where is it?
The dictionary
What Island does the Easter Bunny live on?
Easter Island
What is it called when an egg is cracked into boiling water?
What is poaching
A man rode on a horse, Sunday, out of town. He stayed a whole night at a hotel and rode back to town the next day on Sunday. How is this possible?
His horse is named Sunday