Besides bunnies, what animal is considered an Easter symbol?
A lamb is considered an Easter symbol.
What kind of bread is associated with Easter?
Hot cross buns are associated with the Easter holiday.
The Romans, in an effort to mock Jesus Christ, gave him a “crown” of what?
They gave him a crown of thorns.
What is Fat Tuesday?
Fat Tuesday is the day before Lent. It is a time of overindulgence before fasting.
What flower is considered an Easter symbol?
A lily is considered an Easter symbol.
What celebrity was made into a chocolate bunny for the first time in 2015?
Benedict Cumberbatch was made into a chocolate bunny.
What color jellybean is most popular?
Red jellybeans are the most popular.
Easter celebrates the ________ of Jesus Christ.
Households spend how much on average on Easter annually?
Households spend about 131 dollars on Easter.
Easter always falls between which two dates?
Easter always falls between March 22 and April 25.
The Easter Bunny originated in what country?
The Easter bunny originated in Germany.
Why are pretzels considered an Easter food?
They are considered an Easter food because their design is said to look like praying arms and hands.
After his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead how many days later?
He rose from the dead three days later.
When was the first Easter egg roll at the White House?
The first Easter egg roll at the White House was in 1878.
In Britain, the Easter Act of 1928 was an attempt to do what?
This was an attempt to establish a set annual date for Easter.
Instead of Easter bunnies, Swedish kids dress up what?
Swedish kids dress up as Easter Wizards.
How long does it currently take to produce one marshmallow Peep?
It takes six minutes to produce a single marshmallow Peep.
In the Bible, what prisoner was released instead of Jesus?
Barrabas was released instead of Jesus.
Who introduced Easter bonnet into American popular culture in 1933?
Irving Berlin introduced the bonnet into popular culture.
In which state did the Easter bunny first appear?
The Easter bunny first appeared in the state of Pennsylvania.
According to the song Peter Cottontail, what is the bunny bringing for Tommy?
The Easter bunny is bringing jelly beans for Tommy.
What do the marzipan balls on a simnel cake represent?
They represent the apostles (minus Judas).
In the Bible, Judas traded Jesus in exchange for what?
Judas traded Jesus in exchange for 30 pieces of silver.
In England, when you dance between Easter eggs on a floor, it’s called what?
Dancing between Easter eggs is called hop-egging.
Which American Literature professor wrote the traditional Easter hymn “Up from the Grove He Arose”?
Robert Lowry wrote this traditional Easter hymn.