What do we celebrate on Easter Sunday?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Who is Mary in relation to Jesus?
Mary is the mother of Jesus.
How many commandments did God give to Moses?
What is a conscience?
The inner sense of right and wrong.
How long does Lent last?
40 days.
What is the week before Easter called?
Holy Week.
What is the prayer that is often said while using the rosary?
The Hail Mary.
What is the first commandment?
You shall have no other gods before me.
Why is it important to listen to your conscience?
It helps guide our decisions and actions.
What do many people give up during Lent?
Something they enjoy, like sweets or video games
What do people often decorate to celebrate Easter?
Easter eggs.
What does the rosary consist of?
A string of beads used to count prayers.
What is one commandment that tells us how to treat others?
You shall not steal.
What can we do to help our conscience grow?
Pray, learn about right and wrong, and reflect on our actions.
What day marks the beginning of Lent?
Ash Wednesday.
What is the name of the Sunday before Easter?
Palm Sunday
What is the significance of the rosary in Catholic prayer?
It helps people meditate on the life of Jesus and Mary
What is the commandment about honoring your parents?
Honor your father and your mother.
How can we make sure our conscience is telling us the truth?
By studying our faith and asking for guidance.
What is the purpose of Lent?
To prepare for Easter and reflect on one's faith.
What does the Easter Bunny symbolize?
New life and rebirth
What are the mysteries of the rosary?
Events in the lives of Jesus and Mary that are meditated upon during prayer.
Which commandment says not to bear false witness?
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
What should we do if we feel our conscience is telling us to do something wrong?
We should seek help, pray, and make better choices.
What is a common practice during Lent besides giving something up?