The Koreas
Southeast Asia
Australia & New Zealand

What major book was written by Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tzu? 

The Art of War


What is Sinocentric? 

It is the belief that culture, customs, and other aspects of life should revolve around those of China


After World War II, which countries controlled North & South Korea?

-The Soviet Union (North) and the United States (South)


How is Brunei different from the rest of Southeast Asia?

Their leader is known as the Sultan


What major film franchise had many of its scenes shot in New Zealand, many which can still be toured today.  

The Lord of the Rings


What is unique about the terracotta army?

Each soldier is made separately, having unique facial features, armor, weapons, etc.  The same is also true for the horses made with the army. 


What was the role of the samurai in Japanese society?

-They were hired to serve the Shogun and protect those who were in charge

-They lived by a strict code of honor, in which defeat or failure to serve the one who hired you was met with dishonor to a person (bushido)


Who was the first Supreme Leader of North Korea?

Kim Il-Sung


Why did the United States get involved in the Vietnam War?

Vietnam had been split into  democratic (South) and communist (North) countries, and they believed that if one country fell, so would the rest (domino effect)


Name AT LEAST two famous landmarks in the country of Australia. 

-Uluru/Ayers Rock

-The Great Barrier Reef

-The Outback

-Sydney Opera House


The last dynasty in China was the _______ Dynasty



What is a kami & how does it connect to Shinto beliefs?

-A kami is a spirit/god of a living things, such as a fox, water, etc. 

-Shintos believe that these kamis protect these living things, and by paying respect to them by building shrines & leaving offerings, they will continue to protect their given areas of life. 


How do North & South Korean customs differ?

-North Korea is all about military control and traditional Korean culture, with almost no influence from other countries

-South Korea is all about mixes of cultures, more freedoms than the North, and being able to express one's self, seen in their music & films


The Khmer people of Cambodia built an extravagant Hindu temple in the jungle known as ___________

Angkor Wat


How are the climates of Australia & New Zealand different?

New Zealand gets a lot of rain and is a more mild temperature, while Australia is very hot & humid, with not much growing space throughout. 


What is the nickname of the man who famously stood in front of the oncoming Chinese military during the Tiananmen Square Protests? 

"Tank Man"


What is "Godzilla" a metaphor for in Japanese films?

The atomic bomb & dangers of nuclear power


Who was the first president of South Korea?

Syngman Rhee


What two countries in THIS PART of the world are 2 of the 5 remaining communist countries in the world (THINK OF WHAT CATEGORY THIS IS!!!)

Laos & Vietnam


What were the Maori people of New Zealand like? (Name AT LEAST two things about them)

-They were fishers, farmers, & hunters. 

-They were also known for being fierce warriors

-They often used face tattoos called moko to intimidate foes

-They also used a war dance called the haka to intimidate foes as well. 


Who took over China & made the government communist in 1949? 

Mao Zedong

Who was the American naval officer who "convinced" Japan to open up to the rest of the world in the 1850's?

Commodore Mathew Perry


Why is the Korean War TECHNICALLY not over?

When the Korean War "ended", only a temporary peace treaty (armistice) was signed, so TECHNICALLY the two Koreas have NOT signed a peace treaty with each other. 


What is the role of the King & Queen of Malaysia?

Like most countries, they serve ceremonial roles and are often diplomats, but the country is run by a Prime Minister


What group does the governments of both Australia & New Zealand belong to?

The British Commonwealth
