Ancient Civilizations
Philosophies and Religions
Governance and Administration
Technological Developments
Trade and Culture

Which group is known for being one of the first to develop the idea of believing in only one god?

The Hebrews


Which Chinese philosophy believed that having a strong and efficient government was important for maintaining order?



What actions did Darius I take to manage the diverse cultures in the Persian Empire?

He divided the empire into administrative districts called satrapies, each ruled by a governor (satrap) loyal to him.


What were some important technological developments in ancient China?

Irrigation systems, Cast ironworks


How did the Silk Road help in spreading ideas and cultures between different regions?

The Silk Road led to exchanges of knowledge.


Which group ruled India after Alexander the Great and helped bring stability and wealth to the region?

The Mauryans


What was the Mandate of Heaven, and how did it affect the rulers of ancient China?

Chinese belief that a ruler's claim to power was legit as long as he possessed qualities like justice, benevolence, and sincerity


Why were Darius I's actions important for the empire?

Allowed for easy management of diverse cultures and ensured loyalty.


What are some notable technologies that were introduced in ancient China?



What kind of exchanges occurred along the Silk Road?

The exchange of ideas, beliefs, and inventions.


What were the first three Chinese dynasties, and how did they come in order?

Zhou Dynasty (1046 BCE), Qin Dynasty (221 BCE), Han Dynasty (206 BCE)


How did Confucianism influence the Han Dynasty in China, and how did it affect their society and government?

It emphasized moral integrity and proper conduct, affecting governance and societal values.


How did the caste system influence the development of ancient Indian civilization?

It was a major part of the Hindu faith, with the Brahmins having the most power.


What were some of the key technological achievements of the Indus Valley civilization?

Plumbing systems, City planning

Which classical civilization is described as building the Royal Road, ruled by Satraps, and allowing people to keep their own customs and religions?

Persian Empire


What were some key technological achievements of the Indus Valley civilization?

Plumbing systems, City planning


Why was the idea of worshiping one all-powerful God significant?

It introduced the concept of worshiping one all-powerful, omnipresent God, which was a departure from polytheistic practices and laid the foundation for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


Why were the Maurya and Gupta empires able to develop and maintain their territories in India?

They had a powerful military.


What were some important achievements of the Persian Empire in areas like administration and infrastructure?

Postal service, network of roads, belief in religious freedom and multiculturalism


How did the Persian Empire's approach to governance help the civilization?

It was very inclusive and allowed all groups to be represented in the government.


How did Buddhism spread from India to other parts of Asia?

Buddhism spread by traders along the Silk Road


How did the religion of Judaism change over time due to contact with other cultures?

Judaism changed somewhat, due to contact with other cultures, adapting while maintaining core beliefs.


How did Cyrus the Great manage to keep peace in his empire?

By showing tolerance of all cultures.


How did trade routes like the Silk Road help spread religions like Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam to new areas?

Traders along the Silk Road helped spread new ideas and beliefs to other parts of the world.


How did trade routes like the Silk Road help spread religions like Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam to new areas?

Traders along the Silk Road helped spread new ideas and beliefs to other parts of the world.
