This movie is about a little girl and her pet alien who live in Hawaii.
What is Lilo and Stitch?
How many months are in a year?
Title of a game and the Spanish word for "one"?
What is Uno?
The usual number of arms of starfish/sea star.
What is five?
Mc Donalds
The name of the pirate in Peter Pan
Who is Captain Hook?
How many cents are in 1 dollar ?
100 cents
My board is black and white and has a queen, king and pawns?
What is chess?
What is an example of a solid?
teacher decide
What food is normally cut up into triangles or squares?
What is pizza?
I am a talking snowman in frozen
Who is Olaf?
What coin is worth 25 cents?
What is a quarter ?
I require two players, you can win if you get four of the same color together.
What is connect four ?
way up high in the sky im a hot star what am i ?
What is the most popular place for coffee?
What is Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Whose nose grows longer every time he lies?
Who is Pinocchio?
What is a baby cat called?
What is a kitten?
Goeey and oooeey, you can roll me, pat me and play with me. What am I?
What is slime or silly putty?
What are the 3 types of matter ?
What is gas, liquid, solid?
What are dried grapes called?
What are raisins?
This movie has characters named: Mortricia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Gomez
What is the Addams Family?
How many days are in a year?
What is 365 days?
Don't touch the ball with your hands unless your the keeper? What sport is this?
What is soccer?
What is the name of a young goat?
What is a kid?
What vegetable is used to make French fries?
What are potatoes?
The clock struck 12 I lost my shoe...
Who is Cinderella?
What black person sat in the front of a bus?
What is Rosa Parks?
This is a game all about animal knowledge. Get ten to win!
What is Guess 10 Animals?
What is a group of fish called?
What is a school?
What is the sticky substance that bees make?
What is honey?
What is the popular kid movie where a giant crab sings?
What is Moana?
What is blue?
Name a game popular for its block characters and sandbox mechanics.
Roblox or Minecraft
What is the largest land animal?
What is an elephant?
This is commonly mistaken as a vegetable but really a fruit.
What is tomato?
What movie is about a boy who wants to be a musician, but his grandma won’t allow it because of the past?
What is Coco?
If you mix water and a seltzer tablet, what do you get?
What is a chemical reaction?
Name the most played board game of all time.
What is Monopoly?
How many bones do sharks have?
What is zero?
What is the name of a mexican fast food place, and also the name of a spice?
What is an Chipotle?