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This method involves breaking down a complex process into smaller sections, making it easier to apply material balances around each unit.

What is the use of sequential unit method/control volume method


In a system at equilibrium involving multiple phases, this rule provides the number of independent intensive variables needed to describe the system completely.

What is the Gibbs phase rule?


This process involves the synthesis of ATP through the electron transport chain and chemiosmotic coupling in the mitochondria.

What is oxidative phosphorylation?


This device measures flow rate by comparing the static and dynamic pressure of a fluid stream and is commonly used in industrial applications

What is a Pitot tube?


This ancient scripture, originating from the Indus Valley Civilization, is one of the oldest religious texts still in use today, and it consists of hymns and rituals.

What is the Rigveda? 


This method discretizes the governing fluid flow equations into algebraic equations that can be solved numerically.

What is FDM/FEM/FVM?


This efficiency term is used to describe the performance of gas-liquid contactors like packed columns and tray towers, accounting for deviations from ideality.

What is Murphree efficiency?


This reaction is used to form a new carbon-carbon bond through the reaction of a nucleophile with an electrophile, involving a transition state with five or six members.

What is the Diels-Alder reaction?


This phenomenon occurs when local fluid pressure drops below the vapor pressure, leading to the formation of vapor bubbles that can cause damage when they collapse.

What is cavitation?


This 19th-century economist's work "Das Kapital" analyzes the capitalist system's economic and social relations and its impact on labor and production.

Who is Karl Marx?


This empirical correlation is used to predict the convective heat transfer coefficient for fluid flow over a flat plate.

What is the Dittus-Boelter equation?


This dimensionless number represents the ratio of the rate of mass transfer to the rate of chemical reaction and is critical in gas-liquid reactions.

What is the Hatta number?


This term refers to the process by which neural connections are strengthened or weakened in response to activity or experience, crucial for learning and memory.

What is synaptic plasticity?


This theory describes the interactions between quarks and gluons, which are the fundamental particles of the strong force, using gauge symmetry.

What is Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)?


This Greek Titan is known for defying Zeus and giving fire to humanity, a transgression for which he was condemned to eternal punishment by having his liver eaten daily by an eagle.

Who is Prometheus?


This empirical correlation, used to estimate the diffusivity of gases, relates the diffusivity to temperature, pressure, and molecular properties.

What is the Chapman-Enskog equation?


This dimensionless number characterizes the oscillatory behavior of structures in fluid flow and is critical in predicting phenomena like vortex-induced vibrations.

What is the Strouhal number?


This model describes the spread of infectious diseases through populations, incorporating variables such as transmission rates and recovery rates.

What is the SIR model?


This method is used to solve the Schrödinger equation for complex systems by approximating electronic wave functions through computational techniques.

What is Density Functional Theory (DFT)?


This theory, proposed by Noam Chomsky, suggests that the ability to acquire language is innate and that all human languages share a common underlying structure.

What is the theory of Universal Grammar?


This paradox addresses the apparent contradiction between the macroscopic irreversibility of processes and the time-reversible nature of microscopic physical laws.

What is the Loschmidt's paradox?


This standard provides guidelines for the design, implementation, and management of safety instrumented systems, aiming to reduce the risk of hazardous events.

What is IEC 61511 / ISA 84?


This theory postulates that proteins fold into their functional three-dimensional structures based on their amino acid sequence alone, often described by a funnel-like energy landscape.

What is the Anfinsen's dogma?


This type of neutron star is hypothesized to have an extremely high density core that could be composed of quark matter instead of neutrons.

What is a strange star?


This existentialist philosopher wrote "Being and Time," exploring the nature of existence and the concept of "being-toward-death."

Who is Martin Heidegger?
