Who is Noah?
This was the first woman.
This Book of the Bible has the most books, 150 to be exact!
What is Psalms?
This is the tribe where Moses and his siblings are descendants.
Who is Levi (Levites)?
This is the number of books in the New Testament
This man of the Bible lived the longest at 969 years old.
This woman had a child at 90 years old.
Who is Sarai/Sarah?
These books of the Bible are called the "Pentateuch". Name them.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
These are the 2 birds that Noah sent out from the Ark.
What are a raven and dove?
This is where the shortest verse, "Jesus wept", is found.
What is John 11:35?
This man in the Bible is infamous for doubting Jesus after he resurrected from the dead.
Who is Thomas?
This woman was the first female judge
This book of the Bible is home to the "Fruit of the Spirit".
Bonus Points if you can give the chapter and/or the verses
What is 39?
This is the age of Jesus when he started His ministry.
What is 30.
This man was of David's sons who tried to overthrow him while he was alive.
King Saul consulted this woman to bring Samuel from the dead to give counsel to him.
Who is the witch at Endor?
Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Corinthians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Peter, John
What is a harp (lyre)?
This person replaced Judas, once he betrayed Jesus.
This man was James' and John's (disciples of Jesus') father.
Who is Zebedee?
This woman in the Bible is described by Luke as “a dealer in purple cloth” and a God fearer or worshipper of God.
The 2 Books of the Bible that start with a "Z"?
What are Zephaniah and Zechariah?
These are the four rivers listed as flowing out of Eden?
What are Phishon, Gihon, Hiddekel (Tigris) and Phirat (Euphrates)?
This is the person who took Jesus' body down from the cross?
Who is Joseph of Arimathea?