This rather large subsidiary makes the rather large Silverado
Oxfam thinks Taylor Swift has too much money, as "every" one of these people "is a policy failure"
a billionaire
As a noun, it's a wooly covering; as a verb, it means to swindle
A wind-catching canvas on a ship loses its S & tacks on an N to be this hardware item
a sail & a nail
Legally, it means so visible that the cops didn't have to search to find it; something obvious is "hiding" there
in plain sight
Its Model S has a range of 402 miles
You're feeling wired, your heart is racing--you're this 15-letter word & probably should have skipped that third espresso
This verb means to go beyond what is allowed, like a speed limit; you can also do it to expectations
A word meaning not as much drops an S & subs in the N to be an eye part
less & lens
A principle based on experience or practice gave rise to this 3-word phrase mentioning a part of the hand
a rule of thumb
Rio is 3 letters, & so is this maker of it
Hi, I'm shame. Do you know my cousin, this? He has a complex named after him, when one is awash with feelings of having done wrong
Half of this 6-letter word meaning harsh or critical is its 3 Es
The bottom of an object used as support subs in N for S to be someone who makes a nightmare "of my existence"
base & bane
2021 called & wants this phrase back that means evaluating someone's mood or energy
a vibe check
The Silver Dawn, Silver Ghost & Silver Spirit are from this luxury automaker
Hyperlipidemia, too much fat in the blood, is caused by an excess of this substance provided by your own liver plus pork & donuts
This synonym of facade is equally at home when used in woodworking or dentistry
The S bows out of a word meaning to replace an actor in a role & N is the new star in a word meaning to disavow testimony
recast & recant
This expression meaning you have to suffer to advance was used in the 17th century, in plural form, by Robert Herrick
no pains, no gains
It named models after Tucson & Santa Fe, cities 6,000 miles from its headquarters
To us this Greek word means excess pride; to Aristotle, it meant shaming others for one's own pleasure (perhaps out of pride)
Though it could suggest vision problems, this "effect" in photos happens when a flash bounces off the retinas
A tricky plan intended to deceive switches the S for an N to be a character in a Viking alphabet
ruse & rune
The version with "pipe" is later, this original phrase for something headed your way is from the type of road seen here
(coming) down the pike