A condition that manifests as extreme restriction and a refusal to maintain normal body weight with an intense fear of gaining weight even though they are underweight.
What is Anorexia Nervosa
Calluses or scars on the back of the hand that may develop secondary to eating disorders
What is Russell’s sign
What is Policy/Procedures (EAP)
A condition that manifests as eating non-nutritive or non-food substances that have no nutritional value (dirt, hair, ice, paper, etc.)
What is Pica
What is the fine soft hair that may develop over the body secondary to an eating disorder
What is lanugo hair
What is not within an ATCs scope of practice when addressing eating disorder care?
What is Diagnosis and Treatment
A condition that manifests as an absence of interest in food and eating, food selectivity based on sensory sensitivity, and fear of negative consequences of eating related to aversive experiences such as choking or vomiting.
What is Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
Excessive weight loss and refusal to maintain normal body weight is a sign of anorexia nervosa. Below what % of expected BW are these indivduals?
What is <85% of expected BW
Who should be included in education session regarding eating disorders
What is coaches, athletes, and parents
A condition that manifests as recurrent episodes of binge eating and compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain (purging, medications, etc.)
What is Bulimia Nervosa?
Eating too rapidly, eating when
not hungry, and eating until uncomfortably full with a feeling of lack of control is classifies as ...
What is Binge eating
What are 3 examples of individuals who should be included within the interdisciplinary healthcare team
What is team physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, registered dietitian, nutritionist, counselor, other specialists as indicated by specific S&S