The number of snom cards that exist
What is five?
What is a plush?
The thing snom eat
What is snow?
Yes, snom are so powerful that it can change entire columns.
How many Swords of Justice are there?
The only Zoroark GX deck that doesn't exist
Zoroark Dewgong
Zoroark Lucario
Zoroark Ribombee
What is
Zoroark Ribombee
The current Snom King
Who is Oliver?
What are magnezone?
Cyrus's favorite dragon type pokemon
What are tatugiri?
The number of years that the world of BW and BW2 are apart
the deck that has won worlds the most
what is nothing!!!!
The pokemon thing that Fern wants the most right now.
What is a snom coin?
The pokemon Ada usually uses in D&D
Elliot's favorite dragon type pokemon
The person who resurrected genesect
An ex-Team Plasma member
the card that has the effect each players pokemon with plasma energy attached have no weakness
what is Plasma Frigate
The most expensive frosmoth card
What is a golden alt art frosmoth?
The biggest pokemon card thing that you can buy here.
Terrapagos ex Ultra Premium Collection
Elliot's favorite ghost type pokemon
What are dusclops?
What is getting distorted?
the card that says once during each players turn, they may flip a coin until they get tails
what is speed stadium
The best pokemon ever to exist
What are snom?
The only ghost type pokemon Ada knows
the abbreviation for the first 5 sets of cards
what is bs, fo, bs2, tr, and g1
The colors of the eyes of Reshiram, Zecrom, and Kyurem, and shiny golurk in order.
What are blue, red, yellow, and green?
the pokedex number of ferrothorn
what is 598!!