This is where you can find a quick link to download Eaton's Code of Ethics.
Where are the One Eaton links at the top of the JOE homepage?
This three-word Eaton slogan summarizes ethical decision making.
What is "Doing business right"?
“We Deliver Quality”, “We Obey the Law”, “We Avoid Conflicts of Interest” are core principles of this.
What is Eaton’s code of ethics?
This is a basic action you should take if you are concerned that an ethical violation has occurred.
Speak Up
This is an Eaton-developed asset that requires safeguarding.
What is "Intellectual Property"?
This is who owns Ethics at Eaton.
Who is "all of us"?
These are the three most severe potential consequences of non-compliance with the Code of Ethics.
What are "termination, civil liability, and criminal charges"?
This is a bribery scheme for which an illegal or unethical payment is received after services are rendered.
What is a kickback?
Eaton commits that this will not happen to you, provided you raise concerns, make reports, and assist in any investigations in good faith.
What is "Retaliation"?
This Eaton policy provides guidance on responding to derogatory comments, hostility, and other unwelcomed behavior in the workplace.
What is the "Harassment-free Workplace policy"?
Making false or negative comments about a competitor is a violation of this Ethic’s Principle.
What is “We compete ethically (fair competition)”
This tagline has a prominent place at the center of Eaton's Ethics circle.
What is "The power of integrity"?
International shipping is regulated by this category of laws.
What are Export Control Laws?
It is necessary to avoid this, when involved in the following situations: Outside employment, Workplace Relationships and Gifting.
What is Conflict of Interest?
Hosting or attending an event with a customer is governed by this Eaton Policy.
What is Eaton’s Gift and Entertainment Policy?
The number of key principles in Eaton's Code of Ethics.
What is 10?
This Code sets forth minimum requirements of any entity providing goods or services to Eaton.
What is Eaton’s Supplier Code of Conduct?
EATON PRIDE, enABLE, ENGAGE, iConnect and SOAR are examples of this type of Eaton support group.
What is an iERG or Inclusion Eaton Resource Group?
This product characteristic can be achieved when we focus on customer needs, continuous improvement and zero defects.
What is Quality?
While these are sometimes allowed by law, Eaton does not permit these to political candidates.
What are Contributions?
Falsifying a test report is a violation of this Eaton Ethics Principle.
What is “We accurately record and report our results”?
This mindset underscores our commitment to quality and sets an aspirational goal for the products and solutions we release.
What is "zero-defect mindset"?
This broad category of information is generally unknown by others and must be safeguarded.
What is Confidential Information?
These are two potential resources to consult if you have a concern regarding ethical behavior in the workplace.
What is your Manager, Human Resources, Ethics Hotline, "Ethics Help Line" (a.k.a. "EthicsPoint" website) ?
This non-tangible asset of Eaton's can be easily tarnished by careless speech, especially in public forums.
What is "reputation"?