Social Skills
Coping and conversations
Life Skills

You and Jo are whispering together about something. When your mom comes over you and Jo stop talking. 

How would your mom feel?

upset, sad, mad, angry...etc 


What can you do if your friend is mad at you for something you did to them?

Apologize, say sorry


What is one way you can start a conversation with someone you don’t know?

Ask them their name,  introduce yourself, ask them a question.


Demonstrate how you would introduce yourself to a new peer?

Hi my name is ____, what is your name?


What do you use to put out a grease fire?

Fire extinguisher


How might someone feel if you are talking about a cool trip you get to go on with Jo that they also wanted to go on, but were not invited.



You just got home from rec. therapy with Jo and Jo tells you she is about to leave.

What would you do?

Walk her to the door and tell her goodbye.


What can you do to show someone else you care when they are upset?

Talk to them, offer to spend time with them, make them a card, etc.


What would you do if you had a question about something important, but you were home alone

Call someone


What is the number you call for an emergency?



How might you feel if you wanted to go out with Jo and your mom said you couldn't go?

Mad, angry, disappointed, sad (all acceptable answers)


What can you do if two people ask you to hang out at the same time?

Suggest that the 3 of you hang out together, hang out with one and then the other, say no to one, but schedule another time for the other, etc.


What can you do if you are feeling jealous of friends?

Talk to them about it and explain how you feel, be grateful for what you have, etc.


Somebody is being rude or unkind to you when no one else is around. What SHOULD you do?

Stand up for yourself by telling them that's not okay, stay away from them, call someone, TELL SOMEONE


You are home alone and the doorbell rings when you were not expecting company. What should you do?

Do not answer the door.


How might someone feel if they have done something wrong and they know it was wrong?



What can you do to make yourself feel better if you are feeling sad?

Listen to music, call and talk to someone important to you


How should you greet someone at the door when they first get to your house?

Say hello, welcome them inside, let them know if you are going to grab something before they walk away.


You go to sit down, but someone takes your seat.

What would you do?

look for a new seat

ask the teacher where to sit 

ask them nicely to move 


Someone you care about is moving away and you feel really sad. What can you do?

You can make a plan to stay in contact over the phone and plan visits.


You ask your mom if you can go to the next pacers in person and your mom says no..

How would you feel?

upset, sad, confused, mad...etc 


The teacher asked you a question in class, but you didn't know the answer. How do you feel? What do you do?

Embarrassed, Confused 

Ask for help


What can you do at home when your parents are nagging you to get your chores done and they won't let you take a break?

Take a deep breath, talk to them calmly and explain your feelings, etc.


While you were walking, someone tripped you and started laughing. How does that make you feel, and what would you do about it?

upset, hurt, sad, mad

Talk to a someone you trust and tell them what happen. 


You didn't do your homework. Your teacher asked why you didn't do your homework. What should you do?

Explain to the teachers why you did not do it.
