What are the 3 ways we can receive a car repair payment?
1. Mitchell Q (excel spreadsheet)
2. Issue Payment Activity
3. Unable to Pay Activity
Where do we find the payee if it is the old template vs. the new template?
Old template - In the activity description
New Template - External Owner tab
How can I tell if an activity is a repair payment?
- The subject of the activity
- it came from the mitchell q
What does HST/GST Registered mean?
We would subtract the tax from the total amount IF the insured is a company
What are the 7 items we should check before making a repair payment?
What are the 3 things we should check before making a payment?
1. Invoice 2. External Owner 3. Duplicate payment
How do I know if payment is an EFT or Cheque right away?
- Subject of activity
- Is it DRP or Non DRP
What expense line do we use to pay rental cars?
Loss of Use
What are the two types of body shops and how do we pay each of them?
DRP - EFT payment
Non-DRP - Cheque Payment
What do we put in the "Invoice/Reference" Field when we don't have an invoice number for Disability payments?
The date range
When do we send a reminder to the adjuster after payment?
For Issue Payment activities
What is the difference between Independent and Staff payments on Mitchell?
Independent have appraisal payments, Staff do not
How do we know if a payment is for our insured or for a 3rd party vehicle?
We would look at the car make and model on Mitchell and match it to the Loss Details tab in ClaimCentre
How do we know if a disability payment is reoccurring or a one time payment?
Activity description would list: 1. Date of first payment 2. How many payments
One time payment would just have a date range and total amount to pay
What is a betterment charge?
An additional charge that an insurance company is not responsible for as it is not relevant to the repairs
What two applications can we use to find the EFT info for our insured?
GPS and Casper (AS400)
How do we know if a payment is a Supplement? How do we find the Supplement Amount?
There would be a payment made to the b/s on ClaimCentre already and Mitchell would have a new amount added in the estimate section.
We would subtract the most recent Gross Amount from the already paid Gross Amount.
What is a reason we would be unable to pay and AB payment?
- Payee is missing
- Invoice doesn't match
- Payment exceeds reserves
What type of payments can we receive as EFT/Reminder?
- Accident Benefits
- Property
- Additional payments related to car (towing/rental/unable to pay repairs)
What is a 50/50 payment?
Car repair payment is split between two expense lines. the ded will only be applied to one of the expense lines and that needs to be specified in the summary.