This is the slope of a line on a distance time graph
This is a measure of the amount of matter in an object
This is the metric unit for work
This is the transfer of work
This piece of lab equipment measures mass
This is represented by a straight diagonal line on a distance time graph
constant speed
there are 1000 grams in one of these units
Work divided by distance is equal to this
This is the energy of motion
kinetic energy
A flat horizontal line on a distance time graph represents this type of motion
no motion
25 m/s North is an example of one of these
This is the metric unit for force
This is the unit of measure used to measure power.
A wind up toy, a stretched rubber band and a compressed ball all contain this type of energy
elastic potential energy
Acceleration can occur in an object moving at a constant speed if the object is doing this
changing directions
Objects in free fall near the surface undergo this
constant acceleration
These are the forces acting on a falling object
weight and air resistance
Power divided by work equals this
GPE is of an object is less on the moon due to this reason
the Moon has less gravity
The law of conservation of energy stated that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can do this
Be converted from one form to another
This is the rate at which velocity changes
A force acting on an object does no work if this occurs
The force is not in the direction of the motion
If you exert a force of 1200 N to walk 5 m up a flight of stairs in 5 seconds you will use this much power
1200 W
As an object falls this type of energy decreases
gravitational potential energy
The potential energy at the beginning of an event will be equal to this at the end of the event
kinetic energy