Noun Clauses
Write down the 5 active causative verbs and their form when used in a causative sentence.
have, let, make + SOMEONE + VERB .... get + SOMEONE + TO + VERB ... help + SOMEONE + (TO +) VERB ...
What is a gerund? What is an infinitive?
Both look like verbs but act as nouns. Gerund = Verb+ing (ie - I like swimming) Infinitive= to + Verb (ie - I like to swim)
A - They have been swimming. B - They must have been swimming. What is the difference between the two sentences in meaning?
Sentence B is a guess.
Name one of the functions of the 3rd conditional and provide an example.
To express regret for an unchangeable situation that happened in the past. (ie - If I had set my alarm, I wouldn't have over slept.) To express a positive/neutral result for a hypothetical situation that happened in the past. (ie - If I hadn't come to Turkey, I wouldn't have met you all. )
What are the three types of noun clauses?
- Statement (THAT) - Yes/No Question (IF/WHETHER) - Wh- Question (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW)
Write down the two passive causative verbs and their form.
SUBJ + have/get + OBJ + V3 ( + by agent)
Sort the following words into TWO categories: those that take the infinitive, and those that take the gerund. (THERE WILL BE FOUR IN EACH GROUP) Afford, deserve, admit, manage, deny, miss, promise, recommend
Infinitive: afford, deserve, manage, promise Gerund : manage, deny, miss, recommend
Name 1 modals that fits into EACH of the following categories: a) necessity/obligation b) probability c) ability d) advice
a) necessity/obligation - must, have to b) probability - may, might c) ability - can, able to d) advice - should, ought to
Create a third conditional sentence from the following cause/effect relationship, and then state the function: I didn't study. I failed my text.
If I had studied, I wouldn't have failed my test. Function: REGRET.
The government demanded, "The price of alcohol must increase in the new year." Make sentence that uses a noun clause.
The government demanded that the price of alcohol rise in the new year.
What is the difference between GET and HAVE in the active causative? Use examples.
GET = Convince someone to do something. For Example, I got my brother to clean my room (even though he didn't want to). HAVE = Give someone responsibility to do something. For Example, I had the mechanic fix my car. (=it was his job anyways)
Correct the mistake(s) in the following sentence: I finished to read Harry Potter last week and I started to read Twilight.
I finished READING Harry Potter last week and I started to read Twilight.
a - What's the weather like? They say it MAY rain. b- MAY I take one of these books? How is the modal being used differently in these sentences?
a - possibility/probability b - permission
Create a third conditional sentence from the following cause/effect relationship, and then state the function: I studied writing. I became a journalist.
If I hadn't studied writing, I wouldn't have become a journalist. (Function: Positive/Neutral hypothetical situation in the past)
Are there a lot of people in Canada?
I wonder if there are a lot of people in Canada. I would like to know whether there are a lot of people in Canada or not.
My teeth hurt! Can you use a causative sentence to give me advice?
You should have the dentist look at your teeth. (OR... You should have your teeth looked at by the dentist)
Correct the following mistake(s) in the sentence: I prefer don't speaking about it.
I prefer NOT TO SPEAK about it.
a - When I was your age, i COULD walk on my hands. b - Take a sweater. It COULD get cold. How is the modal being used differently in these sentences?
a- ability b - probability/possibility
What is the difference between a the 2nd and 3rd conditional in terms of meaning?
2nd - imaginary situation that is impossible/improbable. (ie - If you left me, I would die of a broken heart.) = But, you won't leave me, so it's an impossible situation. 3rd - past events which can't be changed. The condition is impossible and the result is unchangeable. (ie - If you had been on time, you wouldn't have gotten fired) = but, you were not on time and you did get fired... and we can't change that now.
Where does Jeffrey live? Create a noun clause sentence to ask this question.
I want to know where Jeffrey lives.
My parents permitted me to stay out until 2:00am on New Years Eve! Make a causative sentence to express this idea.
My parents let me stay out until 2:00am on NYE.
Correct the mistake(s) in following sentence: I like arrive home before 8 so I can to help my mother to cook dinner.
I like TO ARRIVE/ARRIVING home before 8 so I can help my mother ___ cook dinner.
a - I MUST phone Kate. It's her birthday! b - Who broke the window?! It MUST have been the children. How is the modal being used differently in these sentences?
a - obligation / necessity. b - strong guess/probability.
Write a sentence using 3rd conditional that expresses a neutral/positive result.
That pen belongs to Elif. Whose pen is that? Noun Clause....
I want to know whose pen that is.