The most common type of bleeding
capillary bleeding
This is the term for a gauze style dressing saturated with an agent that stops bleeding
hemostatic dressing
With this wound, a piece of skin and possibly underlying tissue is torn and loose hanging from the body
This type of amputation occurs when an extremity separates by being crushed or mashed off
crushing amputation
This is a clot of blood under the skin
This term is also known as a large amount of bleeding in a short time
This type of wound only has the top layer removed with little to no blood loss
Involves the cutting or tearing off a body part such as an arm or leg
This type of amputation is when the skin is peeled off
Do NOT remove blister unless
the blister roof is torn
During this bleed blood spurts:
arterial bleed
A cut skin with jagged, irregular edges
This is applied over a wound to control bleeding and prevent contamination
This type of toxin is produced by a bacterium , which is found throughout the world and forms a spore
What is time frame when tetanus immunization shots should be given?
within 72 hours
This device is used to stop a severe bleed on extremity
a tourniquet
This wound is usually deep and narrow in the skin and underlying organs such as a stab wound
puncture wound
This holds a dressing in place
This is a collection of fluid in a bubble under the outer layer of skin
How should you wash a shallow wound
water and soap
This type of bleeding flows steadily
venous bleed
This type of cut has smooth edges and resembles a surgical cut
This type of amputation is clean cut and a complete detachment
clean amputation.
This wound happens when a blunt object strikes the body and this skin is not broken
closed wound
This occurs when the skin is not broken and blood is not seen. It is life threatening
internal bleeding