Don't mess with my stuff!
Bugging you about Coding
Databases, databases everywhere!
Gonna get yourself connected
So you think you know the Internet

Creating and distributing this malware is one of the most widespread types of cybercrimes

What are computer viruses?


This is the set of instructions that programmers have written in a higher-level language.

What is source code?


This type of database is the most commonly used electronic databases.

What is relational?

Computers connected together in a classroom would be considered this collection connected of computers.

What is a local area network (LAN)?


This is the unique number that identifies a computer, server, or device connected to the Internet.

What is an IP address?


Use one of these to block logical ports from invaders and make your computer virtually invisible to others on the Internet

What is a firewall?


This provides a visual representation of the patterns of an algorithm.

What is a flowchart?

A field like student ID is a likely one of these types of keys, whose value must be unique across all records.

What is a primary key?


In this type of network, each node connected to the network communicates directly with every other node.

What is peer-to-peer?


When checking to see whether a particular name is registered on the Internet, your computer accesses a database that is kept on this type of server.

What is DNS?


These type of hackers break into systems legally for non-malicious reasons such as to test system security vulnerabilities.

What is a white-hat hacker?


This is the first step of the system development life cycle (SDLC).

What is Problem and Opportunity Identification?


This is a way of retrieving information from one or more tables that defines a particular subset of data.

What is a query?


This technology uses the Internet communications infrastructure to build a secure and private network. You can also use this to hide your true IP address from other computers on the Internet.

What is a VPN?


This is the type of address is a temporary IP address that is assigned from an available pool of IP addresses.

What is Dynamic?


This allows a hacker to gain access to your computer and take almost complete control of it without your knowledge.

What is a rootkit?


This is the following is the final stage of the program development life cycle (PDLC)?

What is Testing and Documentation?


This means that for each value in the foreign key of one table, there is a corresponding value in the primary key of another table.

What is referential integrity?


This is the most commonly used client/server network topology.

What is a star topology?


This is the main suite of protocols used for transmitting data on the Internet

What is TCP/IP?


This takes advantage of file transport methods, such as e-mail, to spread on its own.

What is a worm?


The set of specific, sequential steps that describe exactly what a computer program must do to complete the work is called this.

What is an algorithm?


This is the branch of computer science that attempts to create computers that think like humans

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

This is the amount of data that can be transmitted across a transmission medium measured in bits per second.

What is bandwidth?


This organization is responsible for the Internet's domain name system and the allocation of IP addresses

What is ICANN?


This is the term to describe any technique that uses social skills to generate human interaction that entices individuals to reveal sensitive information.

What is social engineering?


Division by zero is this type of error that is caught when the program executes.

What is a runtime error?


Nontraditional data in object-oriented databases such as audio clips, video clips, pictures, and very large documents are called this type of data.

What is unstructured?


This is a device that sends information between two networks.

What is a router?


In public-key encryption, the two keys, one for coding and one for decoding, are collectively know as this two word phrase.

What is key-pair?