What does AI stand for?
Artificial Intelligence
What is electricity?
The flow of electrons
What does LED stand for?
Light Emitting Diode
True or False
Fibre optic cables transmit information slower than regular cables.
Describe a problem you had this week, and how you solved it.
Nice job!
Describe how to make a square in python using the library turtle
Which letter is shown by this electric telegraph?
Name a conductor and an insulator
Graphite, copper, gold, salty water, lead…
Dry wood, plastic, rubber, paper, wool, glass, ceramic...
What is a device that directs traffic through a network?
Name 3 types of engineering
Electrical, computer, mechanical, chemical, materials, biomedical...
Is the World Wide Web hardware or software?
Name three ways to communicate over long distances, without the internet
Letters in the mail, telephones, electric telegraphy, carrier pigeons, radio signals…
What is a common tool for prototyping circuits?
Name 3 parts of a camera
Lens, mirror, shutter, flash, viewfinder...
What is a prototype?
A simple model that helps you test out an idea, during the engineering design process.
Which of the following are prime numbers?
2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11
2, 3, 5, 11
What does EMR stand for?
Electromagnetic Radiation
Which leg of an LED is positive? Which leg is negative?
The longer leg is positive, the shorter leg is negative.
How many nanometres (nm) are in one millimetre (mm)?
(a million!)
What does ETLC stand for?
Engineering Teaching and Learning Complex
What does ISP stand for?
Internet Service Provider
In a parallel circuit with three light bulbs, what happens to the brightness of the remaining bulbs if grog eats one of the bulbs (one of the bulbs burns out)
In parallel circuits, each light has its own circuit, so all but one light could be burned out, and the last two will still function
What is a variable resistor, that changes resistance based on the amount of light detected?
What do GAN or CNN stand for?
Generative Adversarial Network
Convolutional Neural Network
Name everyone in this camp room!
Did they get instructors, JI/volunteer and campers correct?