Contractors must have written policies and procedures on:
Child abuse and neglect prevention, detection, and reporting.
Child allergies.
Disaster plan for emergencies such as fire, earthquake, flood, tsunami, volcanic eruption, or lock-
down, as applicable based on location, including practice drills.
Exclusion of sick children.
Handling medical, dental, and poisoning emergencies (D-18).
Infectious disease prevention (C-21, D-13, D-14, D-18).
Medication management (D-11).
Monitoring of health and safety practices.
Pesticide/herbicide management in accordance with RCW 17.21, preventing children’s exposure,
and using the least hazardous means to control pests and unwanted vegetation (D-6).
Transportation, if applicable (D-
What is D-3 Health and Safety Policies and Procedures?