How long is the ECEPTS program?
18 months
How many ECE classes will you need to take in this program?
If you have a question about homework or classwork - who should you ask for help first?
Your peers and embedded tutor
What is the daily visual health check?
To look, listen, feel and smell
How often will you be participating in meetings
1x a month
What day and time are the ECE classes held each semester?
on Mondays from 6:40pm t0 9:40pm
What grade do you need to get in order to pass a class
"C" or better
Where are the emergency procedures posted in each classroom?
on a Red Board in each classroom
How often will you meet with your mentor?
1x a month
Which campus will you be taking your ECE classes?
Kentfield campus
If you are taking the ECE class in Spanish, what other class do you need to take?
an ESL class
Where are the children & staff emergency information at in each classroom
in readily available folder/binder in each classroom
What is the role of your mentor?
to support you and be your cheerleader at your work site
If you happen to be sick and cannot attend class who do you need to inform as soon as possible?
Your instructor
Monday Aug 19th
When do children brush their teeth?
After breakfast and after lunch
How many hours of on the job training will you need to do for this program?
What ECE classes will you be taking?
1. Intro to child development
2. Child, Family and Community
3. Principles and Practices
4. Into to ECE Curriculum
Why should I see an academic advisor?
To create an educational plan
Create a food allergy action plan