Language & Vocabulary & Literacy
Math & Science
Discipline, Transitions & Supervision

A teacher sits down at the table during snack and converses with children.  One of her questions is "Where do you think these strawberries came from?"

What is Encouraging Children to Use Language--Many staff-child conversations.


Staff ask "non-rote" questions that the children can answer.


When washing hands, Emily forgets to turn off the water at the sink.  The teacher reminds Emily that she needs to turn off the water when she's finished so she's not wasting the water that the Earth gives us.

What is Nature/Science--Staff model concern for the environment?


A teacher notices that Aksel is looking at the poster on the wall listing the classroom rules.  She walks over and uses her finger to follow the words as she reads them aloud to Aksel.

What is Child Related Display--Staff are observed pointing out and reading words in the display in a way that interest the child?


The teacher announces that in 5 minutes the bell will ring and it will be clean up time so the class can get ready to go outdoors.  When the bell rings the children clean up the classroom with the assistance of teachers and move over to cubbies to put on outdoor gear.

What is Transitions--Transitions are usually smooth?


During line time, Ms. Elainie has the children sing the Days of the Week song in English and Spanish.

What is Promoting Acceptance of Diversity--Inclusion of diversity is observed as part of learning activities?


A child asks the teacher which planet has rings on it.  The teacher takes the child over to the bookshelf and they find a book on planets that they read together to find the answer.

What is Staff Use of Books with Children--Staff use books with children to help answer questions and to provide information on things that children are curious about?


During a unit on apples, children are invited to taste different types of apples.  The teacher creates a chart of all of the apple names and the children are able to mark on the chart which was their favorite.  They then tally the results to see the winner.

What is Math Materials and Activities--Staff relate math materials/activities to current topics of interest?


As each child arrives in the morning, the teacher welcomes them to the classroom and asks if they'd like a hug, high five or wave.

What is Staff Child Interaction--Staff usually give children a message of warmth through appropriate physical contact?


Max is standing on top of a table in the classroom.  The teacher walks over to him and says "Max I need you to put your feet on the floor so your body is safe.  I'm afraid you'll fall and get hurt."

What is Discipline--Staff explain reasons for why they cannot permit specific behaviors?


At snack time the Linden children are encouraged to serve their own snack and clean up their area when finished.

What is Meals/Snacks--Children are encouraged to help during meals?


During morning work time a teacher sees Eddie is standing on his tip toes to build a block tower.  She comments "Eddie I see that you're standing on the tips of your toes so you can reach higher and make your block tower even taller!"

What is Helping Children Expand Vocabulary--Works that describe people, places, things and actions are used?

During morning line time, students are asked, with teacher help, to look at a thermometer outdoors to determine the temperature.

What is Math Materials and Activities--Some appropriate math activities requiring more teacher input are used.


Ada is standing and quietly staring at the art table where both chairs are currently occupied.  The teachers sees this and asks Ada if she would like to do art.  Ada nods her head yes so the teacher invites her to take a chair from another table and use it at the art table so she can participate.

What is Peer Interactions--Staff generally help children solve social problems in a satisfying way?


While outdoors on the playground, Mr. Bo is over by the sandbox supervising children.  He see's Owen climbing over the fence by the musical instruments and alerts Ms. Ellen.

What is Safety Practices--Staff usually attend to an area of responsibility, while remaining aware of the entire space?


During work time, a student leaves the block area and chooses to be in the cozy corner to read a book alone.

What is Space for Privacy--Children are allowed it play alone or with a friend?


A teacher is sitting on the child-size sofa with two children reading a book.  As he reads he uses his finger to follow along with the words.

What is Becoming Familiar with Print--Staff point out and read print to children.


While working in the practical life area, a teacher asks a child how many boxes of cereal are on the shelf.

What is Math in Daily Events--Staff engage children in conversations about math as they play in non-math areas?


The fire alarm is going off for the monthly fieldtrip and Evie is very worried and appears to be afraid.  The teacher recognizes this and walks over to Evie assuring her that she is safe and we are practicing.  She then asks if Evie would like to hold her hand as they evacuate the building.

What is Staff Child Interaction--Staff are supportive and comforting when a child feels anxious, angry, fearful, or hurt?


When outdoors on the playground, Ms. Kat starts a game of tag with some children who are struggling to find work.

What is Supervision of Gross Motor--Staff initiate gross motor activity for part of the gross motor time?


Jonah and William have created a very elaborate block structure in the block center during work time.  Ms. Ellen takes a photo of the structure and prints it.  She then asks Jonah and William to tell her more about the structure and writes their comments on the paper with the photo.

What is Blocks--Staff link written language to children's block play?

When observing weather a child notices the frost on the ground and ask a teacher what it is.  The teacher replies "That's called frost.  It's tiny bits of ice that collect on the grass when it's cold outdoors."

What is Helping Children Expand Vocabulary--Staff explain the meaning of unfamiliar words in a way children can understand?


A child is working with the sand paper numbers and the teacher provides him with gems and encourages him to count out the proper number of gems that correspond with each number.

What is Understanding Written Numbers--Staff relate print numbers to corresponding number of pictures or objects?


Harper helped her friend Katelynn clean up the milk that was spilled during snack.  Ms. Ashlee walks over to Harper and thanks her for helping her friend and points out her good and kind deed.

What is Peer Interactions--Staff point out children's positive social behaviors toward one another?


The Gingko classroom has 5 children who are being very pokey and not getting ready for outdoors when the remaining 11 are already ready.  Ms. Ellen asks Mr. Bo to take the ready group out while she works with the remaining children.

What is Transitions--No waiting time of any longer than 3 minutes or longer during any transition?

Gingko has a new student who is just learning about line time and having a difficult time participating and staying seated.  Mr. Bo invites the child to sit on his lap in the circle.

What is Whole Group Activities for Play and Learning--Staff provide support for children who have trouble participating?
