DAP is a curriculum that includes a rigid set of standards that dictate practice. True or False?
What is False?
Play is an intrinsically motivated activity which emphasizes the process rather than the product. True or False?
What is true.
Curriculum are the methods and content to be taught. True or false?
What is true?
Calendar time focusing on day and month names, dates and years is part of DAP in preschool. True or False?
What is False.

What is the process of comparing items/objects and placing them in logical sequence (ex: small, medium, large)


DAP refers to applying __________ ___________ ___________ in making thougtful and appropriate decisions about early childhood program practices.
What is child development knowledge?
Piaget introduced three categories of play. 1. Functional 2. Symbolic 3. Name the third?
What is games with rules?
Define integrated curriculum?
What is the various subject matter disciplines in common related activities or projects, rather than as separate branches of knowledge?
List two ways for teachers to use concepts about time in a DAP way.
What is using a timer to alert children to taking turns at an activity. counting off days until a field trip using before, later, next, and after

What is patterning? What is an example of patterning that can be seen in a preschool classroom?

Patterns are things that repeat in a logical way. You can find patterning at the manipulative table in a preschool classroom. A child participating in peg boards can create a pattern with colored pegs. Ex: Red, blue, red, blue (ABAB pattern) or green, green, yellow, green, green, yellow (AABAAB pattern).


Name the three essential components of DAP?

What is... 

1. What is known about child development and learning.

2.What is known about each child as an individual, to help teachers be able to adapt for and be responsive to individual variation.

3. What is known about the social and cultural contexts in which children live.


Name one of the 10 ways play is the most appropriate curriculum for young children according to your text?

Play: 1. provides for all areas of development 2. emphasizes learning as an active/interactive process 3. presents highly motivated opportunities for learning 4. allows for differences 5. allows for practice and repetition of newly acquired skills, competencies, and ideas 6. promotes self-regulation 7. contributes to brain development 8. promotes acquisition of foundational skills 9. lays the cornerstone for social/moral develoment 10. supports emotional development

Name two benefits of an integrated curriculum?
What is 1. provides coherence for children's experiences and permits optimum construction of meaning. 2. it allows children to understand how to apply the knowledge in broadly relevant ways. 3. allows children to learn through activities in large time blocks. 4. the time and opportunity for children to engage in the repeated activities needed for real learning and mastery. 5. internal motivation to learn is a result of involvement over time in projects and activities of interest.
What are two of the seven components of literacy in relation to Cognitive/Language/Literacy Environments for preschoolers?
What is knowledge of print, knowledge of letters and words, comprehension of meaning, awareness of books and other texts, seeing literacy as a source of pleasure, and conversation?
Give an example of how visual spatial skills are shown in preschool children?
What is pouring, puzzles, cooking etc. How much will fit?
What are two of the five interrelated dimensions of Early Childhood Practice?
What is creating a caring community of learners, teaching to enhance development and learning, constructing appropriate curriculum, assessing children's learning and development, and establishing reciprocal relationships with families?
This is Vygotsky's notion of the distance between the child's actual developmental level of independent problem solving and the potential develomentally level of problem solving with adult guidance or by working with more capable peers.
What is zone of proximal development?
Define emergent curriculum?
What is learning activities that develop from following the interests and interactions of the classroom participants.

What is the skill of transductive reasoning?

What is Piaget's term for a child's tendency to believe that because something happened once, it will always happen. They assume cause and effect based on events closely linked to time (a superficial connection).


Define one-to-one correspondence

What early learning math skill that involves the act of counting each object in a set once, and only once with one touch per object.

Name the 3 kinds of information and knowledge that DAP is based on?
What is 1. What is known about child development and learning. 2. What is known about each child as an individual. 3. What is know about the social and cultural contexts in which children live.

True or False? Cooperatively only takes place amongst large groups of children.

What is false.

Name two sources that the text identifies for ideas for emergent curriculum.
What is 1. children's play, comments, and questions 2. adult's interests and passions 3. things, events, and people in the environment 4. developmental tasks 5. family and cultural influences 6. issues that arise in the course of living together day to day 7. serendipity 8. curriculum resource materials
Define centration.
What is the tendency of preoperational thinkers to focus attention on one aspect of any situation while ignoring all other aspects?

It is snack time at fieldwork. You are sitting with a small group of children at the table, and you are tasked with the responsibility of taking advantage of a teachable moment related to mathematical concepts. There are graham crackers and apples for snack today. A child sitting next to you breaks the graham cracker in half and says, "Look, my cracker is now in 2 parts!) The child has just demonstrated understanding of what type of math skill?

What is... part vs. whole, beginning fractions!
