My wife DECORATED the house for our daughter’s birthday.
a. renovated
b. made pretty
c. looked into
d. fabricated
decorate = make it pretty
The construction crew ENCOUNTERED many problems when building the new bridge.
a. shook
b. crashed
c. met
d. drained
Did you OBSERVE any enemy soldiers near our position?
a. raise
b. attack
c. see
d. chase
The ammunition will be DISTRIBUTED to the troops.
a. blown out
b. given out
c. set out
d. broken out
distribute = give out, hand out
The old buildings will be DEMOLISHED so that a new parking garage can be built.
a. written down
b. put down
c. let down
d. torn down
demolish = tear down, destroy
I sent her an email, but she never RESPONDED.
a. produced
b. answered
c. marketed
d. permitted
respond = answer, reply
His contract will be TERMINATED due to his poor performance.
a. ended
b. performed
c. polished
d. delivered
terminate = end, cancel
The thermostat is the small box on the wall which REGULATES the temperature in the room.
a. controls
b. fades
c. dispenses
d. accepts
regulate = control, manage
The large factory nearby POLLUTES the air and the water.
a. contaminates
b. submerges
c. protests
d. refers
pollute = contaminate, make dirty
I don’t RECALL the name of my first teacher. Kindergarten was a long time ago.
a. reduce
b. remodel
c. reverse
d. remember
recall = remember, recollect
Plants that conserve water are able to THRIVE in the desert.
a. sweat
b. commute
c. do well
d. send out
thrive = do well, flourish
My boss URGED me to continue my education. He really wants me to do it.
a. monitored
b. recovered
c. oiled
d. pushed
urge = push, insist
He REMARKED that he was interested in working overtime.
a. mentioned
b. extended
c. scattered
d. organized
remark = mention, say
The city government is trying to PRESERVE the historic buildings. They don't want to destroy them.
a. select
b. save
c. communicate
d. conduct
Many pieces of wood DRIFT across the ocean.
a. navigate
b. soak up
c. get along
d. float
drift = float, move slowly (in water or air)
The meteorologist is FORECASTING heavy snow for tomorrow.
a. investigating
b. defeating
c. predicting
d. enabling
forecast = predict, guess what will happen in advance
In the spring, allergies negatively AFFECT millions of people.
a. produce
b. oppose
c. influence
d. submit
affect = influence, impact
The plane began to VIBRATE causing the pilot to be alarmed.
a. inflate
b. draw
c. shake
d. trade
vibrate = shake, tremble
The student ELIMINATED the obviously wrong answers.
a. put away
b. got rid of
c. carried on
d. looked up to
eliminate = get rid of, terminate, remove
The old man DWELLS in a cabin in the woods. He likes it because it's so peaceful.
a. hovers
b. states
c. lives
d. requests
dwell = live, reside
The custom’s officers SEIZED the illegal alcohol and cigarettes at the airport.
a. took
b. withstood
c. offended
d. promoted
seize = take (by authority)
The police SPECULATED that the murder victim knew his attacker.
a. amused
b. endured
c. guessed
d. arranged
speculate = guess, wonder, theorize
This school was ESTABLISHED in 1957.
a. explored
b. founded
c. collapsed
d. sustained
Our sergeant EMPHASIZED that we had to stay in shape.
a. stressed
b. revealed
b. attracted
d. named
emphasize = stress, say that something is important
We have so many things to do that we must PRIORITIZE them to decide what we should do first.
a. omit
b. rank
c. inject
d. wreck
prioritize = rank, put into order of importance