It is between the Earth and Sun in a solar eclipse
what is the moon
This color is the moon in a total lunar eclipse
These are aligned in a solar eclipse
What is the Sun, moon, and Earth
Mr. T decides if you get the points or not
This question is for brock
good job
This is the time for a lunar eclipse
what is night
you do not get 200 points
This is a city the path of totality completely goes through
What is Dallas
This is a solar eclipse
What is when the moon blocks sunlight to the Earth
you get a free 300 points
This is the area the moon completely shades
what is an umbra
This is the person who approved the Moon pictures
who is Jimmy Neutron
This is the area the moon partially shades
what is a penumbra
It is the area the moon completely shades
the moon does not shade anything in a lunar eclipse
heccing bamboozled
This is the path the moon shades in a solar eclipse
what is the path of totality
This is where you can see the moon
What is Africa
This is what the moon should be in for a total solar eclipse
what is a perigee
This is when the moon is in the Earths penumbra the whole eclipse
what is a penumberal lunar eclipse
This is how the moon is red in a lunar eclipse
What is the suns refracted light
It is hard to determine because there are too many myths and theories
What is the moon