What is the name of the Harvard research area comprising 4,000 acres dedicated to the study of ecology and conservation?
Harvard Forest
Are rising sea levels caused by melting sea ice or melting land ice (glaciers, ice sheets?) Also, why are glaciers important?
Melting sea ice does not cause a rise in sea levels (similar to an ice cube in water). Rising sea levels are caused by the thermal expansion of ocean waters and the melting of glaciers and ice sheets.
Glaciers are important because they regulate and provide freshwater. Gradual glacier melt sustains stream habitats for plants and animals.
Out of the 3 R's, what is the best way to mitigate waste?
Reducing and Reusing, because modern technologies aren't always the best at recycling properly. Not all plastics can be recycled-- many "recyclable" plastics end up incinerated or shipped to other countries' landfills.
What are some of the social issues of the current agricultural system?
Lower crop prices, health problems, low wages, exploitation of immigrants and children.
Name some environmental clubs on campus.
CSSL, HUEJ, Salata Ambassadors Program, REP, HUCEG, PBHA EAC, etc.
By what year does Harvard aim to be fossil fuel-neutral?
What are carbon sinks?
Forests and other ecosystems absorb carbon, thereby removing it from the atmosphere and offsetting CO2 emissions. 1/4 by vegetation via photosynthesis,1/4 by the oceans; the remaining half stays in the atmosphere.
What can be recycled out of this list: a. pizza box, b. styrofoam cup, c. black plastic takeout box, d. clear takeout box, e. boba plastic cup
A and D only
Explain two negative side effects of the feedlot system
What are some of the grants offered by the Salata Institute?
Salata Travel Grant Program, Student Climate Activities Fund, Climate Collaboration Grant
What is the difference between the Harvard Office of Sustainability and the Salata Institute?
OFS focuses on integrating environmental policies and systems at Harvard, whereas the Salata Institute focuses on climate research and developing solutions for the world.
When CO2 dissolves in the ocean, it turns into acid ions (H2CO3 and HCO3-). This makes the oceans more acidic and the pH drops.
What should you do with plastic takeout containers before placing them in the recycling bin?
Rinse them to remove food residue—contaminated recycling may be sent to the landfill.
Explain the concept of reductionism and give an example of its application in your life.
Definition: mindset that isolates and simplifies large issues into small elements, therefore missing important connections and interactions
Examples: fortified vitamin water, fortified flour, NPK fertilizer, etc.
What are some ways to get involved in climate research at Harvard?
Climate Policy Summer Internship Program, Summer Research Funding Program, Salata Travel Grant Program, contacting professors from the Salata Institute Research Clusters
What is the purpose of the newly formed Consortium for Climate Solutions?
The Consortium for Climate Solutions is a collaboration between state and local govt entities led by Harvard, MIT, and Mass General Brigham for cost-effective investment in renewable energies. They are developing 408 megawatts of new renewable energy through two large-scale, utility-grade projects — the Big Elm Solar in Bell County, Texas, and the Bowman Wind Project in Bowman County, North Dakota.
What are aerosols?
Aerosols are a type of local pollution that comes from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. They are bad for human health and they negatively contribute to radiative forcing, meaning that they have a cooling effect on the climate.
How does Harvard's composting system work?
Compostable waste is sent to the waste management facility, where organic and inorganic waste is separated. The organic waste is made into a slurry, which goes through anaerobic digestion at the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District. The slurry is then transformed into a biogas.
What are the benefits of crop rotation and cover crops?
How can you register for a trip to the Harvard Forest?
Make a reservation on the Harvard Forest website or contact hf-edu@fas.harvard.edu. There's an upcoming CAC outing to Harvard Forest in April! and a retreat next weekend. :)
How is the Harvard Green Revolving Fund used?
It is run by the OFS to reduce operational impacts, reach Fossil Fuel-Free by 2050, and meet city-building emissions reduction regulations. Institutional Priorities are to 1) accelerate additional energy efficiency, especially heat/energy recovery and load reduction, in all buildings; 2) replace fossil fuel equipment with electric technology at end-of-life, whenever possible; and 3) when renovating space or changing HVAC systems or equipment, design the equipment to use low-temperature hot water for future flexibility.
What is permafrost, and why is melting permafrost a threat to the environment?
Permafrost is ground below the Earth’s surface that has been continuously frozen for at least two consecutive years and in most cases, for hundreds or thousands of years. It extends over a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere, including many regions that are not covered in snow.
Plant and animal material frozen in permafrost – called organic carbon – does not decompose or rot away. But as the permafrost thaws, microbes begin decomposing the material and release greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere.
What is the best way to reduce food waste, and how does HUDS attempt to do so?
Best -> Worst
Reduce Surplus -> Food Donations -> Feed Animals -> Industrial Uses -> Composting -> Landfill/Incineration
HUDS works with Food for Free (a local Cambridge nonprofit that redistributes meals to food-insecure communities in the greater Boston area. This can be seen through the Heats-n-Eats program (highly recommended!)
What are the concepts of polyculture and permaculture, and what are some ways you can design your own plot of land applying these concepts?
Polyculture: growing multiple plant species on one plot of land to facilitate more ecosystem services (e.g. pollination, nutrient cycling, etc.) and more crop yield for revenue.
Permaculture: creating a “closed-loop system” that integrates communities, Indigenous cultures, and resources together with the goal of returning what we have taken back to the environment.
Ways to integrate: building swales, harvesting rainwater, using companion plants, etc.
Which local organizations can you volunteer at?
Eastie Farms, Green Cambridge, Boston Green Academy, Fresh Truck, Daily Table, Food for Free, Environmental League of Massachusetts, Sierra Club, etc.