World War II
Möglichkeiten, ein Feuer zu entfachen
Bill Nye The Science Guy
Musical Instruments
Classic Novels

This was the site of the surprise Japanese attack on December 7, 1941, that led the United States to enter World War II.

What is Pearl Harbor?


Ein kleines Holzstäbchen mit einer entzündlichen Spitze, das man an einer rauen Oberfläche reibt, um Feuer zu erzeugen.

Was ist ein Streichholz?


This is the force that attracts two bodies toward each other. It is also the force that makes things fall to the ground.

What is gravity?


This is the string instrument held under the chin and played with a bow, often used in orchestras and solo performances.

What is a violin?


This is the novel by William Golding about a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their descent into savagery.

What is "The Lord of the Flies"?


This is the term for the fast and powerful military tactic used by Germany to quickly overwhelm enemy forces, meaning "lightning war"?

What is Blitzkrieg?


Ein tragbares Gerät, das eine Flamme erzeugt und häufig zum Anzünden von Zigaretten verwendet wird.

Was ist ein Feuerzeug?


This is the type of chemical bond where atoms share pairs of electrons to attain stability.

What is a covalent bond?


This is the woodwind instrument made of brass, with a single-reed mouthpiece, commonly used in jazz and classical music.

What is a saxophone?


This is the novel by Harper Lee that deals with racial injustice in the Deep South through the eyes of a young girl named Scout Finch.

What is "To Kill a Mockingbird"?


This was the name of the German cipher device that the Allies famously cracked, significantly aiding their intelligence efforts during World War II.

What is Enigma Machine?


Ein Vergrößerungsglas, das Sonnenlicht bündeln und so ein Feuer entfachen kann.

Was ist eine Lupe?


These are the organelles found in plant cells that carry out photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy.

What are chloroplasts?


This is the large keyboard instrument that produces sound by hammers striking strings when keys are pressed, used in a wide range of musical genres.

What is a piano?


This is the novel by Louisa May Alcott that follows the lives of the four March sisters as they grow up during and after the Civil War.

What is "Little Women"?


This was the primary battle tank used by the United States during World War II, known for its versatility and reliability.

What is the Sherman Tank?


Ein Naturphänomen, bei dem elektrische Entladungen in der Atmosphäre ein Feuer auslösen können.

Was ist ein Blitz?


This is the property of matter that causes it to resist changes in its state of motion.

What is inertia?


This is the electronic musical instrument controlled without physical contact, known for its eerie sound and often used in science fiction film scores.

What is the theremin?


This is the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald that explores themes of decadence, idealism, and excess in 1920s America through the character Jay.

What is "The Great Gatsby"?

This was the heavily fortified region in northern France that the Allies deceived the Germans into believing would be the primary invasion point instead of Normandy.

What is the Pas-de-Calais?


Ein explosives Pulver, das oft in Feuerwaffen verwendet wird und bei Kontakt mit einer Zündflamme explodiert.

Was ist Schießpulver?


This is the phenomenon caused by Earth's rotation that deflects the path of moving objects, influencing weather patterns and ocean currents.

What is the Coriolis effect?


This is the ancient string instrument resembling a small harp, commonly associated with Greek classical antiquity and mythology.

What is a lyre?


This is the novel by S.E. Hinton that tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles with right and wrong in a society divided by social class.

What is "The Outsiders?"
