
After a volcano covers the side of a mountain in lava and ash, primary succession must occur. Which species would best survive among the first years of the pioneer species plants?

What are small insects (live inside the pioneer plants and have fewer prey)? 


The population of mice in a local forest ecosystem has recently died out due to disease. In the past, these mice were the main predators of the forest beetles. What is the best prediction about what will happen to the beetles?

What is the drop in the mouse population will lead to an increase in the beetle population?


Nitrogen fixation is accomplished by which organism?

What is bacteria?


What happens to most of the energy as it is transferred from one level to the next?

What is lost to the environment as heat?


Several miles from an industrial plant the stone of some buildings and statues appears eroded. Some metal structures are also damaged, and nutrients have leached from the soil, causing plants to wilt. What is a possible cause of all of these problems?

What is Acid Rain?


Which of the following is the most significant cause of species endangerment?

What is Habitat Destruction? Deforestation, etc.


How can invasive plant species harm ecosystems?

What is they often outcompete native plants?


Which biogeochemical cycle does NOT include a major path in which the substance cycles through the atmosphere?

What is the phosphorous cycle?


Which of the following is the phenomenon of living organisms acquiring increased levels of a substance when moving from a lower trophic level to a higher trophic level?

What is biomagnification? 


Which biome is the Eastern United States (Georgia) a part of?

What is the Temperate Decidious Forest?


Lichens secrete acids that often break up the rocks on which they live. Then other organisms, such as flowering plants, can grow on the rocks. Which process best describes the change the ecosystem is undergoing?

What is Succession?


Which organism in the food chain recieves energy as a secondary consumer?

What is snake?


How does carbon dioxide enter the atmosphere?

What is released by plants, animals, bacterial decomposers, and human activities?


In this food web, which organism is an omnivore? 

What are Birds?


Term used to describe an animal's characteristics that increase the animal's chances of survival and reproductive success in a specified environment.

What is adaptation?


A wildfire burned all of the vegetation off a field, and lichens and mosses were the first organisms to grow in the burned spot. Over time, grasses and shrubs grew where the lichens and mosses had been. Which of the following best describes why the grasses and shrubs were able to grow in the area?

What are lichens and mosses made the field suitable for complex plants?


A 10 meter by 10 meter plot of land has 25 trees on it. What is the population density of the trees? (trees/m2)

What is 0.25 trees/m2? (25 trees / 10mx10m = 25 trees / 100 m2)


A community of kelp, a type of seaweed, grows into an undersea forest. Many fish live in the kelp forest. An oil spill occurs and kills many of the fish. What will most likely happen to the kelp forest?

What is the kelp forest will not grow as quickly as before because there will be less carbon dioxide available? 


Which organism from this environment has the most energy available? 

What is the plant, because it receives energy directly from the Sun and is on the bottom of the pyramid?


What would most likely occur over time if the burning and clearing of tropical rainforests stopped?

What is an increase in the amount of oxygen released into the atmosphere?


Succession that occurs on abandoned agricultural fields is best described as

What is Secondary Succession?


Describe what is occuring to the Fly population in the region from 40-50 days on the graph.

What is Carrying Capacity? The population is leveling out and approaching carrying capacity. 


What is the role of producers in the Carbon Cycle?

What is Producers remove CO2 from the atmosphere for Photosynthesis, and release O2?


What percent of the energy from the producers can be used by the first consumers?

What is 10%?


Which of the following refers to an increase in nutrients in a pond, like an increase in nitrogen from fertilizers, that causes large amounts of algae to grow?

What is eutrophication?
