Levels of Organization
Food Webs/Flow of Energy
Cycling of Matter
Disruptions in the Ecosystem

The smallest unit of life

What is a cell?

These organisms produce energy through the use of photosynthese.
What are Plants?

The amount of carbon in the environment (changes/does not change)

What is does not change?


Acacia trees provide food and shelter for ants and the ants sting any animals that try and eat the tree.

What is mutualism?


Fish populations have declined in specific regions because the fish have been caught at a faster rate than they reproduce. Which statement explains the effect that overfishing has on an ecosystem?

What is overfishing decreases ecosystem stability by disrupting food chains?


What is an individual living thing, such as a plant, animal, or bacteria called?

What is an organism?

These organisms are herbivores, therefore they are called ______________ consumers.
What is primary?

The way in which carbon is used and reused through the ecosystem is called

What is the carbon cycle?


House cats kill mice, birds, and other small animals.

What is predation (predator/prey)?


Deforestation is the removal or clearing of a forest to convert it for human use. What are possible effects of deforestation on an ecosystem?

What is A. Decrease in O2 production, B. Habitat loss, C. Eutrophication?


What is a community of organisms interacting with each other and their physical environment called?

What is an ecosystem?

These organisms are typically at the top of the food chain. They are called ____________ consumers.
What is tertiary?

Actinobacteria sp. are fermenting organisms (which do not use oxygen to breathe) referred to as chemoorganohetereotrophs. This means they break down organic material and convert it to inorganic material. Which part of the carbon cycle does this describe?

What is decomposition?


Epiphytes live on trees so they can receive more sunlight; they do not affect the trees they live on.

What is commensalism?


A farmer is struggling to control the population of a certain insect on his farm. After researching population control techniques, he discovers that a particular bird is a predator of this insect. The farmer purchases a number of these birds and releases them onto his farm. How might the farmer’s action most likely have a negative impact on the ecosystem?

What is the birds will consume beneficial insects, as well as the pest species?


What is the largest level of biological organization?

What is the biosphere?

This is a way to show how energy in a food web is allocated. Usually there is a large base and a pointed top.
What is an energy pyramid?

Plants use the process of _______________________ to remove carbon dioxide from the air.

What is photosynthesis?


Fleas attach to the skin of warm-blooded animals, feed on their blood, and make the animals itch.

What is parasitism?


During an extended dry season in an area, the majority of the ground cover dried up. Explains how this would affect the ecosystem in that area.

What is the ecosystem would become less stable because less energy would be available to it from the decrease in producers?


What are large regions of the world with similar climate, flora, and fauna called?

What is a biome?

What is the percentage of energy LOST as it moves from producer to primary consumer to secondary consumer?
What is 90%?

What is matter cycling?

What is the movement and transformation of chemical elements and compounds between living organisms, the atmosphere, and the Earth's crust?


Woodpeckers and squirrels rival for nesting rights in the same holes and spaces in trees.

What is competition?


The conversion of a forest for urbanization, logging, or farmlands can result in climate change and habitat loss. What process best describes this conversion?

What is deforestation?
