The type of resource that will not run out, or can renew itself within our life span
What is a renewable resource?
The industry that extracts raw materials from the ground
What is primary industry?
An import is...
What is bringing goods/services into a country from abroad for sale?
Extraction is...
What is the way of taking natural resources to use for human activities?
Sustainability is...
What is being responsible with resources so that we don't deplete or use them up and have enough for the present and for those living in the future?
Potash is an example of this type of resource
What is a non-renewable resource?
What happens in the tertiary industry?
What is providing services/selling items?
Exports are...
What is it gives us the resources that we need and it can also help increase exports?
The 3 pillars of sustainability...
What is environmental, social, and economic?
Biomass is an example of this type of resource.
What is a flow resource?
One location factor that can influence where an industry is built
What is access to water, transportation, impact on the environment, impact on humans, electricity, etc.?
Trade is...
What is the buying and selling or the exchanging of goods/services between countries?
One method of forestry extraction with a description of what it is
What is clear cutting, selective cutting, shelter wood cutting?
What is we need to make sure we use resources in a way that is not wasteful so that future generations can also use them- you need to have a balance?
A flow resource is...
What is a resource that cannot be consumed when it is used and is often used for energy?
Quaternary Industry is...
What is knowledge-based research and designing that supports the other industries?
A benefit of international trade...
What is a larger market access so countries can sell to more people around the world, and increased growth because countries can get the materials/services they need?
The 3 methods of extraction in mining
What is open pit, underground, and strip mining?
One thing that I can do to be more sustainable is...
What is recycle, reduce food waste, carpool, etc.?
Name 4 specific resources that Canada has
What is potash, oil, trees, gold, nickel, etc.?
The fifth level of industry is called __________
What is quinary?
A challenge of international trade is...
What are trade imbalances between countries and tariffs that can make it hard to trade smoothly?
Give 2 possible solutions for the negative impacts that extraction can cause
What is carbon capture to help with pollution, more eco friendly equipment, stop illegal mining, rehabilitate mining sites, etc.
Sustainability is hard because
What is the growing population, consumerism, social inequalities, etc.?