These two jobs are affected by ocean acidification
What is fishing and marine biologist
These common marine species are affected a lot by ocean acidification
What is Fishes, Coral Reefs, and Shellfish
This species protects shores from huge waves and can reduce a tsunamis power
What are coral reefs
Companies will adapt to ocean acidification by how
What are breeding fish and start monitoring pH levels in the ocean
This job deals with ocean acidification
What is Environmental Field Specialist
This species are very good at protecting other animals from huge tidal waves
What is Coral reefs
Shores are affected by ocean acidifiction because of what
What is the Coral reefs protecting them
This country is affected the most by ocean acidification
What is China
About ___ jobs are supported by U.S commercial fishing catch and support
What is 100,000 jobs
About __% of marine species that live in coral reefs are affected by ocean acidification
What is 25%
Ocean acidification does this to the Coral reefs that protects the shores
What is lowering the resilience to the Coral reefs shells and coastline habitats
These industries are affected by ocean acidification
What are wild capture fisheries,aquaculture, and shoreline protection
About __% of the entire world GDP affected by acidification
What is 1.5%
__% of the marine life is already affected by ocean acidification
What is 15%
__% of Shores are protected by Coral reefs
What is 26%
What is around 35%