What did the Hepburn Act do?
Gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to regulate Railroads.
A rule that is required for all citizens to follow; Must be voted in to be official.
Theodore Roosevelt is famous for refusing to shoot this animal.
a.) Black Bear b.) Winnie The Pooh c.) Ted d.) Brown Bear
a.) Black Bear
Which Act would have fixed the issues related to the Image Present?
Clayton Antitrust Act
What did the Clayton Act do?
It strengthened the power of the Sherman Antitrust act, particularly focused on monopolies breaking.
Under which president did this act come from?
Theodore Roosevelt
The term for an economic powerhouse which controls an entire industry, often leaving its founders rich.
Which Act was issued first?
Hepburn Act
Why would the Dishonest trust be worried/inspecting the Clayton Act "Penalties?"
The penalties would be used to combat the Dishonest Trusts and fine/break up/ban them.
Under which president did this act come under?
Woodrow Wilson
Why did the Hepburn Act give power to the ICC?
Railroads grew out of control and the ICC previously didn't have the power to regulate them.
A group of companies that work together to raise rates, bar other groups in a field, and/or working to control a market.
Who is famous for not starting their class without hearing either a "Good Morning" or a "Good Afternoon"?
Mr. Polverari
Which Act is the Image a reference to, and why would it be shown as a rodeo/bull wrangling?
The Hepburn Act; Many railroad companies would reject and act in defiance to the act, forcing even more federal involvement.
Compared to the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), how was the Clayton Act more successful?
The Clayton act was more specific and expanded to banning all monopolies (past and future) while the Sherman only banned old monopolies
Which Act was created four years after the Hepburn and increased the ICC control over Railroads?
Mann-Elkins Act (1910)
An organized group of people fighting against their employers.
Labor Unions
An act that came out in the same time as the Hepburn Act, which was heavily pushed due to a popular book at the time.
Pure Food and Drug Act 1906
Wilson isn't known for trust-busting in the sense of battling in courts. Based on the Image, what other forms of trust busting did Wilson do?
Passing of the Clayton Act, Tariff Acts, Currency reforms.
which Act was passed in 1936 and made to further strengthen the Clayton Act?
Robinson-Patman Act
There is another Act that predates the Hepburn Act. What is it? (Hint: one of the future Acts here reference this act by name in its title.)
Elkins Act (1903)
The organization in charge of regulating trade within states.
Interstate Commerce Commision
Interestingly enough, the Sherman Antitrust Act actually banned these organized groups as they saw them being Trusts. The Clayton Act then fixed this issue, making these groups an exception under the act.
Labor Unions
Based on the Image provided, why is the Hepburn Act all bruised and beaten up while walking to the house?
All the amendments added to the end of it means it was torn apart and reconstructed. (Answers may vary & points awarded to better argument.)
Which government Organization (still here today) is in charge of regulating trade and the Clayton Act?
The Federal Trade Commissions (FTC)