What is Canada's government system?
What is Mixed Economy
What is the name of those who create and supply products?
What is Producers
What are you part of as a consumer in Canada?
What is Canada's Economy
What is an individual-owned business called?
What is privately owned
What influences companies to produce better?
What is competition
What is a Mixed Economy?
What is the mix of Centrally Planned and Free Market
What is those who use products and services?
What is Consumer
As a producer, what do you decrease?
What is Scarcity
What is owned by multiple corporations?
How is competition created?
What are Publicly Owned businesses in the same category.
What system is on the right side of the spectrum?
What is Market Economy
What is the want and need of consumers for products and services?
What is demand
As a consumer, what do you increase?
What is Demand
What kind of ownership is on the right side of the spectrum?
What is Privately Owned
What drives down competition?
What is Monopolies
What system is also known as the Command Economy?
What is Centrally Planned Economy
What are the products and services created by producers?
What is supply
What is Pollution
What kind of ownership is on the left side of the spectrum?
What is Publicly Owned
BONUS! What side of the spectrum is China on?
What is Middle Right
What ideas are involved in a Centrally Planned Economy?
Less Gov't involvement, Individualism, fewer Taxes, Less social programs, privately owned.
What causes demand to go up, and supply to go down?
What is a decrease in price
What drives the Economy?
What is indivduals
What is a corporation owned by Canada's Gov't?
What is Crown Corporation
What is the biggest monopoly corporation in Canada?
What is Banks (TD, RBC, BNS, BMO, CIBC)