Latin America
The United States

Allowed for an envoys to reside in Beijing, open several new ports to western trade in residence an allowed freedom of movement for Christian missionaries, and the legalization of opium  

What is the Treaty of Tientsin?


Before colonization farming in Africa was to raise food crops but after that land had been devoted to ___ ___ production to provide raw materials for European industries

 What is cash crop?


This industry was booming in Brazil until growing of this product in Malaysia came at a lower cost

What is the rubber industry?


An American Corporation that traded in tropical fruit grown in Latin America and sold it to the US in Europe.

 What is The United fruit Company?


Allowed Britain to flood the market with inexpensive cotton textiles pushing independent Indian textile artists out of business from the top

What is the Industrial Revolution?


In 1856 Chinese officers boarded the British trading ship, searched it, lowerd the flags, and arrested Chinese sailors this resulted in the French joining the British in the _________.

What is the Second Opium War?


This cash crop was introduced by missionaries and became a major cash crop in the Gold Coast,this region became the largest producer of this in the world

What is cocoa?


Used to describe small Central American countries under economic power of foreign base corporations that are politically unstable and depend on exportation of limited resource product

What are Banana Republics?


The document opposing of European colonialism in the Americas and that Latin America was in the US sphere of influence.

What is the The Monroe Doctrine?


Britain grew poppies which contain _____ which grew easily on South Asia's lands and it became very profitable for Britain to sell to the Chinese. When the Chinese objected the export of this it led to the First _____ War

What is opium? 


This company formed in the 1600s for spice trade but by the mid 1600s cotton and silk textiles had replaced spices because of Dutch and by the 1700s these weavers learned to create fabrics that would appeal to European taste.

What is the The East India Company?


These valuable raw materials were used to lubricant for the machines of the industrial revolution in Europe

What is groundnuts?


The US corporate investment supported infrastructure an industry especially railways shipping and the emerging banking and financial sectors in these countries

What is Mexico and Cuba


An Open Door policy proposed by the US allowed for a system of trade in China to be open to all countries equally

What is spheres of influence?


British outlawed this in 1833 but it lasted in other parts of Africa where the French relied on it to pay their soldiers and use them for their staff

What is slavery?


The Dutch East Indian company had a monopoly on trade with Dutch East Indies but in 1799 took direct control of Dutch East Indies and introduce the ______

______ which forced farmers to choose between growing cash crops or performing unpaid labor.Villagers either had to set aside 1/5 of their rice fields for export crops or work for the government field for 66 day.

What is the culture system?


This native group was forced to move to reserves with poor soil in bad climates while their land was given to white settlers in the Rift Valley and if they did not relocate they were forced to provide cheap labor for white farmers

What are the Kikuyu?


British invested much as 10% into this country and improved breeding stock, developed large scale farming throughout the grassy Plains known as the Pampas, financed infrastructure, and built projects such as the railroad and telegraph systems

What is Argentina?


Became a part of the United States after a group of American businesses and sugar planters overthrew the constitutional monarchy in 1893.

What is Hawaii?


In the first Opium War, the Chinese government seized the British Opium warehouse in Canton, the only port where China could trade with foreigners until the British battled back and won, capturing _______.

What is Nanking?


Required China to open up four additional ports to foreigners and pay damages, it also forced the Chinese to allow free trade which included opium but Britain and China weren't completely satisfied with this treaty

What is the The Treaty of Nanking?


By the end of the century _______ accounted for 93% of Egypt's exports as the production of the cash crop doubled between 1861 and 1863 and was the leading crash crop in Sudan

What is cotton?


The material mined in Chile that would dominate the Chlies exports and make up for one-third of the government income

 What is Copper?


Agriculture influence and power of raw materials shifted away from Asia and Latin America to _____ states such as Britain, the United states, France, Japan, and Germany.

What is industrialized?


The ___ ______ between Britain and China. British sliver became very low and made the East Indian Company force farmers in India to grow opium so the British could sell to the Chinese and use the profits to buy goods

What is trade imbalance?
