Income Inequality and Wealth Distribution
Green Economy and Sustainable Growth
Healthcare Economics
Economic Justice and Fair Taxation
Affordable Housing and Economic Mobility

What is the term used to describe the difference in income and wealth between the richest and the poorest individuals in a society?

What is Income Inequality?


What is the term for energy sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar and wind power?

What is Renewable Energy?


What is the term for the system where the government provides healthcare to all citizens, often free or at low cost?

What is Universal Healthcare?


What is the name of the U.S. federal tax system that primarily taxes individual income, including wages and salaries?

What is Income Tax?


What is the term used to describe housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income households, typically where housing costs do not exceed 30% of their income?

What is Affordable Housing?


What is the term for the economic class that is shrinking in the U.S. due to the growing gap between the wealthy and the poor?

What is The Middle Class?


What international agreement, adopted in 2015, aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels?

What is The Paris Agreement?


Which U.S. government program provides healthcare coverage primarily for individuals aged 65 and older?

What is Medicare?


What is the term for a tax system where higher-income individuals pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than lower-income individuals?

What is Progressive Tax?


Which government program in the United States helps low-income families afford housing by providing subsidies to landlords on behalf of tenants?

What is Section 8?


What is the name of the index that measures the distribution of income within a population, with 0 representing perfect equality and 1 representing maximum inequality?

What is the Gini Coefficient?


What is the term for an economic system designed to reduce environmental risks and improve human well-being, without depleting natural resources?

What is the Green Economy?


What is the economic term for the phenomenon where individuals use more healthcare services because they are insulated from the costs, typically due to insurance coverage?

What is Moral Hazard?


Which term refers to the concept that everyone should pay taxes according to their ability to pay, with wealthier individuals contributing more to fund public services?

What is Tax Fairness (or Ability-to-Pay Principle)?


What is the economic term for the ability of individuals to improve their economic status, often measured by their ability to increase income or move into higher-income brackets?

What is Economic Mobility?


In 2017, which US senator proposed a bill for a wealth tax that would impose a tax on households with a net worth of over $50 million?

Who is Senator Elizabeth Warren?


Which US state was the first to set a target of 100% clean, renewable energy by 2045?

What is Hawaii?


What piece of U.S. legislation, passed in 2010, aimed to reduce the number of uninsured Americans and make healthcare more affordable?

What is The Affordable Care Act (ACA)?


What is the name of the proposed tax that would levy a percentage of wealth above a certain threshold, such as $50 million, as suggested by Senator Elizabeth Warren?

What is the Wealth Tax?


What is the term for a policy that limits the amount a landlord can charge for rent, in an effort to keep housing affordable for tenants in expensive areas?

What is Rent Control?


According to a 2020 report by the Institute for Policy Studies, how many US billionaires saw their combined wealth increase by over $1 trillion during the first nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic?

What is 614 billionaires?


According to the "Green New Deal" resolution introduced in 2019, what percentage reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is the U.S. aiming for by 2030?

What is Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (100%)?


What is the name of the 1963 economic theory, developed by Kenneth Arrow, that describes healthcare as a market with unique characteristics such as uncertainty, barriers to entry, and the importance of trust in provider-patient relationships?

What is Health Economics and the Theory of Market Failure (or simply, Arrow's Theory of Healthcare)?


Which 1978 U.S. Supreme Court case ruled that progressive taxation does not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, setting a precedent for future tax laws?

What is San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez?


What 2019 federal report highlighted the shortage of over 7 million affordable and available rental homes for extremely low-income households, calling for urgent action to address housing inequality in the U.S.?

What is The National Low Income Housing Coalition's "The Gap" Report?
