Where all businesses are privately owned.
What is capitalism?
Exposed horrible working and sanitary conditions.
What is The Jungle?
This greatly pushed consumerism in the 1920s.
What is advertising?
He did very little to intervene in the failing economy.
Who is Hoover?
Continually making a "new" and "improved" product.
What is planned obsolescence?
These two men ran for president in 1960
Who are Nixon and Kennedy?
The president during this time period.
Who is Johnson?
Stagflation of the 1970s
What is when wages stay the same and prices go up?
The countries involved in NAFTA.
Who are the U.S. Canada and Mexico?
If the poor worked harder and were not so lazy they would prosper.
What is Social Darwinism?
She helped coal miners.
Who is Mother Jones?
This led to the 1920s’ “superficial prosperity.
What is buying on credit, buying stocks on margin, or businesses producing more goods than ever before?
This act inspected and certified banks were financially sound.
What is The Emergency Banking Act?
A new source of payment.
What is the credit card?
A program made up of volunteers.
What is the Peace Corps?
This program focuses on education before kindergarten.
What is Head Start?
This crisis was caused in the U.S. because of the Yom Kippur War in the Middle East
What is the energy crisis?
The collapse of this market helped lead to the Great Recession.
What is the collapse of the housing market?
(Additional concerns tax cuts, increased fed. spending, wars in the Middle East)
A government that has little regulation of businesses.
What is a laissez-faire government?
Investigative Journalists
Who are muckrakers?
This trial tested what could be taught in the schools in Tennesse.
What is the Scopes Trial?
They thought Roosevelt did not do enough to help the economy.
Who are liberals?
This movement of young people rejected conventional society.
What is the Beat Generation?
July 20th, 1969
What is when the U.S. landed on the moon?
This liberalcourt made sweeping changes including issues on free speech.
What is the Warren Court?
The cause of Nixon's resignation.
What is Watergate and stopping the FBI from investigating?
This law mandated health insurance for US citizens.
What is Obama Care or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?
Buying all the means of production.
What is vertical integration or monopoly?
An example of political change during The Progressive Era?
What are Recall, Initiative, and Referendum?
The membership of this organization rose dramatically during the 1920s.
What is the KKK?
This forced millions of people to move.
What is the Dust Bowl?
What is the G.I Bill?
Kennedy's time in office was compared to this.
Access to medical care for the poor.
What is Medicare?
The ideas that make up Reaganomics.
What is cutting taxes and deregulating businesses so the wealthy make more money, which they then put back into the economy?
One drawback of a capitalist system.
What is unequal distribution of wealth?
No man should die wealthy.
What is The Gospel of Wealth?
The three areas The Progressive Movement made change.
Social, Political and Economic.
These two men were found guilty of murder based on their political views and heritage.
Who are Sacco and Venzetti?
How FDR paid for his programs.
What is Deficit Spending?
White Flight.
What is moving out of cities into the suburbs?
Kennedy did not get much support from congress to pass these laws.
What are Civil Rights?
Her book lead to the Water Quality Act.
What is Silent Spring by Rachel Carson?
The presidents from 1969 to 1992 in order.
Who are Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton?
A government that provides health care and higher education to all citizens at no direct cost.
What is Socialism?