the two factors that make up an ecosystem?
Biotic and abiotic.
it's what Caterpillars consume
leaves of plants
its the abiotic factor both plants & animals rely on most (hint: its really big)
it's the process called in which producers make their own food
What is a community made of
Multiple populations.
it's a meat eater?
An animal that eats producers is called?
its a nonliving factor in a ecosystem
what is abiotic?
Makes the food that animals need to live.
What is a producer?
They break down decaying remains
it's when photosynthesis takes place
During the day
it's an animal that eats both plants and animals
Gets energy by eating food not producing it.
What is a consumer?
Why fertilizers are added to soil?
to provide additional minerals.
how decomposers help other organisms survive?
by putting nutrients back into the soil that plants use to grow.
Plants using carbon dioxide and producing oxygen through these two processes?
its when plants use the the sun's energy, water, and carbon dioxide to make their own food.
What is photosynthesis?
The most important thing which plants give us as their waste.
an animal is called this for eating another animal
it's the purpose of leaves on a plant and tree
To absorb the sunlight and help make sugar for the plant.